Chapter Six: Part One

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No sooner had they arrived at the heart of the RomanColosseum did they find themselves being ambushed by a strange-looking trio. From the energy that rippled around them, Forneus was certain they were Akuma: Japanese demons known for their use of elemental magic, and their penchant to cause natural disasters. But there was something oddly familiar about the power coming from them, something he couldn't put his finger on, though he was positive he'd felt their presence once before.

A stiff breeze blew through the arena, kicking up a thick cloud of dust around the two parties, though neither side dared to move. Forneus was keenly aware of Gwen's hold on his arm. Her grip tightened reflexively when the slim, platinum-haired female of the trio took a threatening step forward, her hand on the hilt of her sword, though the blade was still in its sheath. In spite of the heavy scarring on the right, her violet eyes shone brightly in the fading daylight, the golden flecks of her irises catching the rays of the setting sun as it came through the slats of the spectator stands. Or what formerly had been the stands, at least. The passage of time had ravaged the Colosseum of its former splendour, the stacked, circularly-seated rows surrendering to the wild vines pushing their way up through both limestone and mortar.

Beside him, Phenex moved forward, flames crackling to life in the palms of his hands. Though he couldn't see from his vantage point, Forneus could easily imagine the other's expression. Everything from the shifting of his feet to the way he rolled his shoulders spoke volumes of his eagerness for battle.

Between the terrified teen behind his back, the three enemies in front of him, and Phenex, the tension had become overwhelming. The air crackled like the onset of a thunderstorm, causing Forneus's skin to prickle in anticipation. His gaze shifted from one Akuma to the other; from the large, muscular one with bicoloured eyes in his dark clothing, to the smaller male and female in their far less conservative apparel. Despite their contrasting complexions, the two could pass for twins—though the male seemed worlds apart from his 'sister', if that was indeed what she was. Whereas hunger gleamed in her eyes, there was nothing but fear to be seen in his.

The female seemed to bore of their silent stand-off, for she glanced toward her companions, and said, "This is them? These are the guys the boss wants us to take out? Man, I'm disappointed." Her lip curled into a sneer. "How about you guys? Cife, Kizah?" Neither of her companions said anything. The smaller Akuma visibly twitched, his eyes downcast. The larger one remained expressionless, as if the whole situation held very little interest for him.

Though Forneus remained unperturbed by her comment, he could see Phenex stiffen, a low rumble starting in his chest.

"Take it easy, old friend," Forneus murmured. "She's trying to goad a reaction out of us. Don't be fooled—they might not look like much, but they're radiating a great deal of power."

Phenex glanced back, eyes roving from Forneus to Gwen. His gaze lingered on her for a hair longer before returning his attention to the female Akuma. When he gave one of his usual, nearly imperceptible nods, Forneus understood immediately. He would err on the side of caution, if only for Gwen's sake.

Forneus fixed his gaze on the three Akuma when they began pacing, their steps slow, deliberate. Taking hold of Gwen's wrist, he mirrored the trio's movements, gently guiding her so that she remained behind him at all times, both groups circling one another with Phenex positioned between them.

Forneus didn't know for how long they continued to circle one another, weaving between the broken, fluted columns scattered throughout the arena, the only sound that of their footsteps crunching over rubble, when the larger Akuma finally spoke.

"Remember the boss's orders, Misa."

At his words, the female narrowed her eyes. "I heard you the first ten times," she snapped, her iridescent complexion darkening. "Come on Kizah, what are you waiting for? We've got 'em right where we want 'em!"

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