Chapter Seven: Awakening

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Frank N Furter

“I am so close to completion, it’s killing me!” My experiment was almost done, just one thing left to do! I had to prep Emma and Emilia for their awakening! And that brings me to the final stage; how they function. I would get to see if it all truly works. I needed everyone to be here when it happens. I could send Riff-Raff to find Magenta and Columbia.

“Riff-Raff! Go and find your sister and Columbia. We need everyone here when they awake.” He nodded, and stalked off.

These moments alone gave me time to speak quietly to the girls. I spoke of indulgence and pleasure, and told them to not fear me when they awake. Because of the sedation drug they were on, I knew that wherever they were they could hear me.

As I spoke to them, I turned off the sonographic reactor, and switched off the ion-reactor. The DNA strands were now complete with my blood and their new names. Everything I had done should be right where it belongs. When they awake their minds will be one, as well as two. Their blood isn’t quite Transylvanian yet, but that should be finished by tonight. It was a simple blood transfusion to get rid of their earthling blood. They were to be complete walking and talking Transylvanian creations.

“Master! Master! We have a problem.” Riff’s voice filled the prolonged silence of the lab. I turned to face him, impatient and annoyed of this ’problem’.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Columbia.” My rage then got the best of me at hearing this.

“Goddamn it! Where is she?” I was yelling now.

“Her room, with Magenta! She’s trying to get her to come to the lab, master.” 

I slammed my fist on one of my various metal tables that held various tools, causing them to fall to the floor. I then tore of my lab coat and threw it to the floor as I stomped to the lift.

“That damned girl is a fucking pain in the ass!” Riff stayed in the lab as I slammed the lift door shut.

I tapped my foot impatiently as the lift descended down the floors. When it reached the second level, I threw open the door and pounded down the hallway towards Columbia’s room.

Magenta was standing outside her door, and moved away from it when she saw me coming. As I got closer, she walked away knowing it was a good choice to do so.

I reached the door, and threw it open. The sound of the door hitting the wall as it opened startled Columbia. She jumped up and gulped as she faced me. I slowly walked towards her, and she began to plead with me as she backed up. But she backed right into the wall as I closed in on her.

She was frightened. I knew the look on my face scared her silly.

“Please Frank, I-” I slapped her with an open palm. I hit her so hard, she fell on the floor.

“Who the hell do you think you are!” I screamed at her. She was cradling her face with a look of horror. I grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her to her feet. She yelped as I did this. I held tight to her as I screamed at her.

“You are something, you know that! I bring you into my home, off the streets, feed you, clothe you, and provide a safe haven for you, and this is how you thank me?! By starting fights with Riff-Raff, and refusing to obey orders, all because you claim to be in love with me! How dare you! I made it clear from the start, that I do not love anyone!” 

Columbia had tears running down her face.

“You want love! Fine, I’ll show you love.” I threw he down on her bed, and got on top of her. I began removing her clothes, and mine. And then I was forcefully moving between her legs.

She couldn’t control herself, and was moaning. She wanted it, but I wasn’t gentle or nice about it either. I was very forceful, and rough with her. It hadn’t lasted very long either. 

When I finished she couldn’t move from the pain, and I just dressed myself. Then I grabbed a needle I always kept with me. I walked over to Columbia, and she struggled at the sight of it. But  sat on top of her, and jammed it into her chest. 

She then fell into a deep sleep. I injected a drug into her that I perfected years ago. It’s a drug that causes the victim to have the feelings and emotions of love removed and non-existent. It is also how I perfect myself into being loveless. I left her there, and headed back to the lab. On the way, I saw Magenta.

“Go clean her up, and bring her to the lab. I’ll send Riff to help.”

I felt better, now. Not so angry. And the return to my lab, where Emma and Emilia awaited, excited me. I sent Riff on his way to assist Magenta to finish the prep on my own.

I checked the blood transfusion, which was moving along steadily, and turned off the IV that kept them sedated. Now they would begin to work through their unconsciousness. They would awake when the transfusion was complete. Two hours until night fall, or dusk. I couldn’t stand there and wait, so I decided to get in a nap. 

When I awoke, the sun was just about to disappear behind the horizon. Night had finally come. Time for the awakening. 

I went out to the lab to find Riff removing the transfusion needles from the girls and Magenta fixing Columbia’s makeup, as she had just awoken. I could tell she was back to herself, without the love infatuation. All three smiled and nodded. 

Everything was in place, including the girls makeup and clothing. I checked the time. 

“Three… Two… One… and-”

Emma and Emilia’s eyes flew open.

They sat up simultaneously, and removed themselves from the tables they laid upon. They stood facing each other, eyeing one another. They could sense the bond that now existed between them, and they both smiled. This was also when I noticed that they were the same exact height. They turned to face us, smiling and holding hands.

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