Guest pt.2

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Light faded from the windows, night creeping in sneakily. The weather woman on the TV droned about heavy hail and sleet, especially for the mountains and that we should stay in for a few days just to be safe.

I sighed and stood, grabbing my blanket that had appeared next to me some how during our TV binge, and started for the stairs.

Jeff raised a brow, "Where ya goin?"

"Sleep." I said simply, rubbing my eyes tiredly, noting the eye boogies that had accumulated. I frowned, maybe I was sleep deprived.

Jeff stood up and followed me, I looked at him, "What are you doing?"

He shrugged, "Sleep, I guess."

I shrugged it off and climbed the stairs slowly, my feet feeling heavy. I yawned audibly and rubbed my eyes again. Jeff trailed behind me closely, his eyes watching my moves carefully.

I reach my door and swing it open, Jeff steps in after me, closing it behind him.

I look at him confused, "Jeff, this is my room." He nodds and sits down at the window bed, kicking his shoes off and pulling away his stained, white hoodie. A black, tight tank top is revealed.

I shrug and slip my tennis shoes off, not willing to uncover anymore than that. I turn the ceiling fan on and slide under the covers.

After only five minutes I can hear soft snoring from Jeff, I sit up and scratch my head. His eyes were wide open, considering that he had no eyelids I wasn't surprised.  My eyes traced the scars on his cheeks, a forced smile. His black hair came in tumbles, falling off the edge of the window bed. He looked restless, his eyes moving around, unseeing and sad, his small jerks and grumbles indicating that he was having a nightmear.

I frowned, for some reason I didn't like that he was unhappy, it bothered me and I couldn't fall asleep. Another mumble from him made my eye twitch, I huffed and got up, walking over to him. I lightly gripped his hand and tugged him from his position, trying to get him up. He grunted and shook his head, his eyes becoming aware and clear.

"Uurrg... Mom?"

"Shhh, c'mon, get up. I'll sleep here, you go ahead and get in bed." I said, pulling him up softly. He didn't budge, instead he pulled me over top him and wrapped his arms around my torso, nuzzling his face in my hair.

"Night, Mom..." He cooed and immediately fell back into his slumber. My cheeks heated at his touch, his chest lifted me up and down with ease. His hot breath ruffled my hair and tickled my neck. I shivered,

He called me 'mom...'

Was he dreaming of her? It seemed most likely, but why was he having a nightmear before? He was now at ease, softly snoring, but before... He looked terrible, almost scared.

My eyelids became weights, pulling me closer to sleep, Jeff's breathing becoming a lulliby. Before I knew, it I was dead to the world.

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