What A Home Should Be

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Kito licked Dad's hand, his tail was wagging like before now. Back to normal it seems.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance,

Stupid dog...

I brushed off the accumulated dirt from my ripped jeans and grumbled quietly to myself. "C'mon you mutt!" I shouted angrily,
"Let's get you to the backyard."

I stomped off twords the rustic farmhouse. This place was gorgeous. Even in the middle of fucking winter the house had a certain... glow about it, like it was alive. The front porch had a generous amount of room with a swing bench to boot. Humongous great oke trees dotted the, otherwise flat, meadow, minus the small hill. The house had those giant bushes pushed up against it's walls. The house was three stories high, it was obviously made for a big family. Not to mention that the wood work was incredible, the railing for the porch was hand carved. The roof was a red painted steel while the house itself was a light brown.

I climbed up the stairs to the porch while testing the railing,
Seems sturdy enough.

I walked to the door noticing the artwork of the glass, the doorknob was stainless steel. Smooth. Of course the door wouldn't open, Dad had the keys. I gave an exasperated sigh and went to sit on the swing bench. I looked over at Dad, he was rubbing Kito's belly while the dog practically weed himself from the attention.

He'll always be the same puppy we bought three years ago... With Mom.

I couldn't hide the smile on my face, even if I was annoyed, those two didn't haft to even try. Kito stood on his hind legs and leaned on Dad while slobbering all over his face. I could hear Dad tut him from here. I snorted watching Dad try to wipe off the saliva that Kito so generously shared.

I sat back, closed my eyes, and basked in the peace that only the woods could offer. My headache had strangely disappeared as soon as I set foot out the car, and my stomach settled quickly too.

Dad was right, this place is healing.

I stretched all the way out on the bench, laying down. There was a soft old pillow, so I let my head rest on that.

"I see you're already lazin' about." I could hear the smirk in Dad's voice. I peeked one eye open to see Dad standing over me, with a look of nostalgia.

I smiled,
"Was waitin' on you, ya dork."

He laughed and bent down to kiss my forehead, I wrapped my arms around his neck in a quick hug. I then stood and said, "The door's locked."

"Good, means no one broke in." He smiled and went to unlock it. He then opened it up and stepped in, I followed soon after him.
What I saw put me in a daze.

I knew Grammy was rich, but sheesh!

My mouth was agape, Dad had paid some people to come by and spiff the place up before we got here but... Wow. Either Dad paid extra, or they enjoyed doing their job. The house was sparkling.

"Close your mouth (Y/N), you'll catch flies." Dad jokes as he walked further in. Ivory steps wound up the wall with polished railing. Hand crafted glass lights lined the wall, all leading to the centerpiece, a beautiful hearth. Plush furniture and fluffy expensive rugs decorated the the living room. A grand piano with gold lining sat in the corner with a harp. Stunning, colorful paintings hung from the walls. Two huge archways lead to different areas of the house, one leading to a long hallway. While the other led to the dinning room. The house looked big on the inside, but really everything was pretty compact.

"I forgot how amazing this place was." Dad muttered under his breath.

"How could you ever leave all this?!" I asked, still in awe of the architecture.

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