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Static filled my ears.

It filled my sight.

It filled my mind.

Through it all I could make out the blank, fleshy face. Pure white. It somehow seemed as though it were angry.

A powerful forced pushed me to the ground.

The wet leaves on the ground tangled in my hair and my head impacted with a rock. Pain shot through me, making me scream.


The static dissipated almost instantly, everything was dark and harsh, the white face of the man was gone. I felt a familiar wet tongue against my cheek, licking me lovingly. Soft whines emmited from Kito's chest as he nudged me worryingly.

I patted his head absentmindedly, feeling his sleek fur glide under my fingers. His wet nose nuzzled into my neck and I finally snapped back. I looked at him, wide eyed as tears slid down my cheeks.

I was that close to death.

This whole thing was too big for me to handle, I'd have to find a way to get Jeff out of my house. For my own sake and Kito's. If I wanted us to survive.

Small flashes of a vision went past my mind.

Blood on walls, guts, gore, and much more. Broken lights, furniture over turned, framed pictures on the ground, shattered, carpet torn from the floor.


Then it was gone and the white, fleshy face was all I could see again. I couldn't feel Kito next to me anymore and I was in a white room. I could feel cold metal in my hand and warm liquid drip to the floor.

I looked around to see red, a stark contrast to the clean white walls. A large hand clapped my shoulder, almost fatherly like.

Good job, (Y/N). You have done well.

My mind shook with pain... But it was wonderful, a type of pain that most couldn't dream of. Pain that made you want to sing and dance.

A dark smile stretched across my face, I could feel my cheek bones ache from the strain and I loved every second of it.

"I am yours, Master."


I gasped and kneeled over, holding my stomach in pain.

I vomited, letting it splatter over the forest floor. Some chunks of my last meal bounced back to my face, getting stomach acid in my hair.

"Fucking disgusting..." I grumbled, wiping my face.

I heard footsteps and crackling leaves come twords us. Kito stood and growled lowly before I could see Jeff a few feet away.


Kito sat back down and rested his head at my feet. I turned away from him and crossed my arms.


He let out a loud laugh, holding his stomach and kneeling over. "Oh, wow. That's fucking hilarious, (Y/N)..."

I kept myself from looking at him.


Suddenly, I felt him right behind me. He made no noise, not a sound, and yet somehow he'd gotten so close. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck, tousling my hair. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me against him.

I felt as though I were paralyzed, not knowing what to do, I just let him do what he wanted.

"Y'know, (Y/N)... You have very good bone structure, sometimes I'll just sit and look at you... Wondering what I could do to cause the most damage. Pull your cheekbones straight from your face... Tear your tongue out, rip your stomach open and leave it for the mutt. So many ideas."

I clenched my fists and stayed still, not wanting to see his scarred face. I felt his calloused fingers trace lines into my skin, making me shiver.

"Heh... I can read you like an open book, you're too easy. Like a child wondering around..."

His voice became haughty and rough, his breath right on my neck, I could feel his lips moving. I tensed up, a feeling of dread and... Almost pleasure, all at the same time.

He was toying with me, trying to get a good reaction.

He gripped my hips and pulled me ever closer. Then he began to nuzzle my neck, his rough skin against my sensitive spot.

"You smell like a full course meal."

With that he began to suck my neck, I let out a yelp and finally pulled away, slapping his hands. Wiping off his saliva, I glared at him and huffed. "You fucking asshole!"

Kito stood up and rubbed his head against my leg, whining. I bent and pet his head. "Lead me home, boy." He looked up at me and wagged his tail, then looking in one direction and beginning to walk.

I looked back at Jeff who seemed amused, his thumbs wrapped in his belt loops with a smirk playing on his lips.

"You're fucking mental."

And with that I followed Kito home, Jeff slowly trailing the both of us as we went, to my dismay.


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