Chapter Nine

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"Thanks again for the night." I said. I was standing at my door at the end of an hour ago and we just got back from it. The movie was impressive especially the middle and the ending of the movie.

"You're welcome. I had a great time spending time with you, like old time." Alex Smiles, when he stated that.

"Yeah me too," I match his smile too. After the second went I had to say goodbye, but I get this weird feeling that I don't want him to go but, I know he has to. "I better go; I'll see you later. Goodnight, Alex."

"See you later. Goodnight, Emma." But he didn't move instead he stands there for a few seconds, and the next thing I know is that his lip is on mine.

After that Alex left right after he pull away and went home. I was stuns when he did that and he didn't even say anything right after that or let me say a word to him about it.

When he kisses me, my heart pounding against my chest really fast and the feeling of it is making have those butterflies in your stomach and making all those feeling come back, I try to move on or forget about him and those feeling that I have for him. And it felt right when but wrong even those he has a girlfriend. Oh my god I just realized he has a girlfriend, I forgot all about that he then kisses me. What is he intending to do now that he did that? Is he telling her and even if he what she going to? I know she might get upset and angry, but what she intending to do after that. Is she going to put an end with him or are they going to work thing out like any couple would do. I don't know but I hoped it won't cause any trouble for them or I be the blame and I'll be feeling even guilty about it. And I have enough of this guilt I'm having these days few days or week that was going on.

Later that night I couldn't fall asleep. All I could have in mind is that kiss that just happened a few hours ago. It was almost one in the morning and I need to get some rest I have school less than six or seven hours before I need to get up and get ready for school.

When I woke up few more hours later and it was six forty. And I need to get ready for school. By the time I got dressed I went to the kitchen grab a quick snack I won't have time to make my breakfast if I did I might be late to school and I don't want to be late and I never been late to school.

I got to the school see a familiar car in the school parking lot. It was Alex truck. I don't know what I'm going to do when I come in and see him in the cafeteria and sit at my table if he there. I was already getting nervous and awkward about what to do or act around him even though everything seems like it was going back to where things going great until he started to change and then being there.

Walking in the cafeteria I look in the direction where I always sit at but I don't see him there. He got to be somewhere in the school building. I sat down at the table, I usually sit until he came walking through those doors. It was Alex and he coming over to where I'm at. He walks around the table and took a place next to me and I don't know what to say or do around him anymore.

"Hey about yesterday, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that but I couldn't hold back the- "he stops in the middle the of his sentence and look straight ahead of him.

I look forward to where he was staring at until I notice why he stops in the middle of his sentence. It was Layla what is she doing here in the place. Shouldn't she be at her school and here? Layla don't go to our school she goes to a different one town over from us. It looks like she was looking for someone or I could say Alex. And all suddenly Brooke came in and saw Layla there. Few seconds later they were both coming along.

When they reach to the table, they both sat down across from us and stare at one another. It was weird seeing her here and wondering why she is here.

I was about to ask her when Alex said, "What are you doing here?" he seems surprised about that well actually we all were.

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