Two: Party Much?

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    Coris sat down on the bench catching his breath. His light brown skin glistened in the sun's rays. After running 7 miles, Coris decided that it was a good time to go to his truck and grab his gym bag and catch his breath. He ran a hand through his hair and laughed.

    His friend came and sat by next to him, he too panting from running. "Hey Eric, what's up?" Coris asked, he grabbed a water bottle from his gym bag and swallowed more than half the liquid in one gulp.

    "Oh hey C, nothing much, that run was pretty tense, but it's nothing we can't handle of course." Eric said while grabbing his own water bottle and drinking some.

    Eric and Coris have been friends since their 3rd year of school. It was very hard to separate the 2 boys. They met when Coris was moved to the front of the class back in their 3rd year of school. Coris wasn't a bad kid but he did get on peoples' nerves. Coris was moved to the front and because of that, he met Eric.

   Coris and Eric lives a few blocks away from each other, but Eric would always either hang around his house or stay the night. Eric never liked his household so he always stayed with Coris.

    "Hey C, wanna go hang somewhere tonight? I heard there was going to be a sick party somewhere near the school at someone's house." Eric asked. Coris looked at him and smiled, but then bit his bottom lip and sighed. "Sorry Eric, I have stuff to study for and you known I really don't have a thing for parties. Yea I get invited to a lot of them but I hardly go to any." He said.

    "Hey don't worry man, I got you. But can we just stop by real quick, I just wanna see if someone is there." He pleaded. Coris glanced and him, he tried to keep a straight face but failed. "Ok ok, we can go but just for a bit, I have a lot of work to catch up on. Going on trips with the football team and robotic team has made me fall behind in multiple classes." Coris said defeated.

    "Alrighty, thanks C! And don't worry dude, you're smart as hell, you will pick up those grades in no time, your not in robotics for nothing!" Eric winked.

    The two boys finished their water and dried themselves from their sweat. Once finished, they both headed towards Coris's truck and drove to their apartment.


    The boys started getting ready to go to the party for a bit. Eric put on a white shirt, a black jacket on top, and black jeans. Coris put on a beige colored long sleeve and blue jeans. After the boys were done, Coris and Eric went down to the nearest store to buy some red cups and sodas for the party.

    They arrived at the party at around 8:45 p.m. and noticed that the party was held in one of the football player's home. It belonged to Zed, or as he is know, Zeddy. Zed was one of the top players, along with Coris right next to him.

    Zed and Coris were good friends, not as great as Eric and his relationship but it was a second best. Half of the football team was there, half of the seniors and juniors were here and a few sophomores too, along with the cheerleaders.

    The party was wild! Lights flickered different colors in every direction you looked. People danced in every room. Loud music blared through the speakers which moved every inside of Coris. He couldn't help but smile.

    "Yo C, imma go see if I can find that friend of mine. Will you be fine?" Eric asked. "Yea sure, just don't take long." Coris responded. Eric winked and smiled before skipping along to wherever he was going.

    Coris went to go sit on a sofa and fidgeted with his fingers. Coris has been getting better and staying alone but he still wasn't fully comfortable with it. Even bring surrounded by random people he still wanted someone who he could trust to be near him, someone like Eric.

    Coris was falling into his daydream until he felt the couch cushion next to him sink. He looked besides him to see one of the football players that he really doesn't talk to but has seen him before in a few practices.

    The boy reeked of alcohol and looked drunk. Coris moved a bit in his seat, he didn't like alcohol nor people who got drunk. It brought back to many memories.

"Oh yooo hey Coooris~" the boy slurred. He didn't want to be rude so he just nodded since he didn't know his name. "I've never seen you at parties before!" He yelled this time. He swung his arm over Coris's neck. Coris feeling very uncomfortable moved his arm off and stood up from the sofa.

"Oh come on Coooris! I'm only messing with you!" The boy called, but before he could say more, Coris was already on his way to another room. Coris tried calling Eric but to no avail, he eventually gave up and sat down in one of the kitchen seats.

About an hour past and there was still no sign of Eric anywhere. He was thinking about just heading home himself but memories stopped him from doing so, and besides, Eric had the keys to the truck.

    Before Coris could be swept away in his daydream, he heard the sound of glass colliding with each other near his ear. He looked forward the see a man, about the age of 19 or so. He had a smile on his face, his face glowed when the party lights hit him. "Don't party much do you?" The man asked smiling. He passed a shot glass towards Coris who denied quickly. "No thanks, I don't drink." He responded. The man shrugged and took the shot himself.

The man had light brown short hair with sharp hazel colored eyes. He was about 6'1, about an inch taller than Coris. He looked fit and for one reason, gave off a warm feeling around him.

    "So, who ditched you?" The man asked. Coris raised an eyebrow. "Look, no one comes to a party alone. And here you are alone. So, who ditched you?" The man asked once again. Coris looked down and ran a hand through his hair. "I came with a friend to drop off something but I don't know where he went." Coris said.

    The man chuckled and licked his lips. He ran a hand through his messy sandy colored hair and took another shot. "Why don't you just drive yourself home then." He asked. "My friend has the keys and I'm not really a person who is up to walking all the way to my house alone." Coris said.

    "I can walk you home if you want." He offered. The sentence sent chills up his spine, Coris quickly denied. " it's alright." He stuttered. The man grinned and shrugged.

    Awkward silence filled the air until Coris spoke up. "I'm Coris by the way." He said extending out his hand. The man looked at him and smiled, he took his hand and shook it. "I'm Hazael."

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