Four: Messages to a School Girl

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Unknown: Hey! Are you still awake?

It read. Coris squinted and lowered the brightness of the screen, letting his eyes adjust to the light.

Maybe Hazael: It's me Hazael

Coris felt a chill up his spine. How did Hazael get his number? He clearly didn't remember giving his number to Hazael. Coris decided to not answer, but before he could turn off his phone it rang with a notification.

Maybe Hazael: in case your wondering how I got ur # I asked around and finally decided to ask one of the football players if they knew who you were and one of them gave me your number without hesitation. Sorry if i sound like a creep, but I just wanted to check up on you and see if you got to your house alright.

Coris reread the message multiple times. Of course one of the drunk players would give his number to some random stranger, that's all his team is good for, making his life harder outside of the field. Coris took a deep breath in, he didn't know whether to be a bit creeped out or feel wanted, maybe a little bit of both. After looking at the messages, he replied.

Coris: hey Hazael, yea it's a bit weird you got my number but honestly I'm more pissed at the fact my teammates would give it to you. But putting that aside, yea I got home safe, thanks for asking

Coris sent the message and laid on his bed, he was currently wearing only his boxers but decided to put on a loose shirt since he was probably going to stay up since he lost his sleepiness after that message. He wondered why Hazael would ask about him, they only just met for awhile at a party. He shrugged it off and saved Hazael's number on his phone.

Hazael: so are you going to sleep or your gonna stay up pretty boy

Coris grew red. Who does he think he is? Calling him Pretty Boy. He blushed even more and threw a pillow over his face. Coris was a guy who got attached easily, and this small message already started attaching its strings onto him, but he knew that getting close to someone wasn't something Coris wanted to do again after what he went through awhile back with his ex girlfriend. Coris grabbed his phone and typed.

Coris: now we're giving nick names to each other or what?

Hazael: sure thing pretty boy, only for you.

Coris's breath hitched, his face filled with red and embarrassment. He grabbed the pillow that was closest to him and threw it against the wall. Coris took a breath in, his stomach twisting with what seemed as butterflies forming. He felt like a school girl being overexcited over a message their crush sent them. But was Hazael really a crush or did he just like the attention? Shit.... Coris thought. He shakily grabbed his phone and exhaled a large breath he had been holding in.

Coris: are you flirting with me now? Didn't we just meet at a party?

Hazael: whatever you make it. Flirting, talking, it doesn't matter to me. And sure what if I'm so called "flirting" with you, is that really a problem?

Coris's blush got darker, growing across his face.

Coris: we literally just met. And we don't even know each other personally.

Hazael: you just caught my attention that's all. You have a nice build and are attractive. And plus, If you really are freaked out then why do you keep answering my messages

Coris mumbles under his breath. He was right, why would he still be texting Hazael, a stranger, and keep responding to him? Was he actually attracted to him and holy did he just call him attractive and say he had a nice built? You have a nice build and are attractive..those words ran around Coris's mind. What the hell was he thinking, this was a stranger, a really hot stranger now that he thinks about it. Coris recalled that Hazael's hair glimmer in the party lights, it was a light brown, more like a sandy brownish color. And his eyes, he remembered clearly how they looked, hazel colored eyes, the combination of green, brown, and gold swirling in the pools of his irises. And his voice, who would forget a voice like his. It wasn't too deep but it had that raspy, dark tone to it, it made Coris's skin shiver. What the hell are you thinking? He's a stranger for all you know he's a "Ted Bundy" guy! Coris thought...fuck it.

Coris: I appreciate the compliments but we just met and I think this is a little weird...

Hazael: maybe we should get to know each other then? If you don't mind of course

Coris didn't know whether to respond to the message or not. He wanted to get to know him, he seemed mysterious...but his anxiety kept telling him that it was a bad idea to meet with a stranger. But then again, Coris is somewhat of a dumbass.

Coris: sure but when and where?

Hazael: next Saturday at 7pm pretty boy. Meet me at the small coffee shop near the Jawbones hill Highschool.

Coris: alright, sounds like a plan :)

What the hell Coris, who puts smiley faces now what are you a five year old? Coris thought. Coris took off his shirt and let the crisp, cold air hit his back and torso. He put some music on and charged his phone and decided to call it a night. Before Coris could close his eyes, his phone buzzed with a notification.

Hazael: :)

Hazael grabbed his phone covering it with fresh blood that was soaked on his hands. He placed the knife he was using down to send his last message to the boy. Such an easy and clueless target...the demon thought. He wasn't really sure what exactly made him drawn into Coris, but he knew something was different with the boy, he could feel it when they were close at the party. So naive..

Hazael grabbed the limp body he just killed and threw it into a chamber he had in his workspace. Living in the middle of nowhere while being a killer demon is a big plus because capturing prey and letting them have a chance to run for their lives is a fun cat and mouse game for Hazael. He could already imagine what fun he would have with the boy. Him begging for mercy, crying out for help, the very thought of having him at his mercy was blood thirsting. He didn't know what made him so different, but he could feel it. He couldn't wait to get him in his hands...and the time was soon to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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