25 - The Reset Button

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A/N: Look at me trying to be proactive lol. I hope you all enjoy but its only fair to warn you that is simply a filler chapter, but much needed to advance the plot. I'd really love some feedback so that i can know what you think of the story thus far, so hit me up with a comment please! Also a vote would just make my day and you have no idea the level of insane my happy dance would be at if you would kindly recommend this story to a friend. As always, thank you my luvvies!

She had no idea how long she'd sat there mentally willing Bianca to open her eyes but she knew it was long enough for her to had gotten the entire run down of her condition, try not to cry about it, rudely tell Viktor to shove his coffee someplace delicate and for her legs to be in a coma. Somewhere in the midst of all of that, Neil had called and she was able to give him the good news and the bad news. There was no going into work for her tonight; she wouldn't be able to function even if she tried. Kris just couldn't stop staring at her as if she feared the moment she looked away, Bianca would stop breathing. She knew her lungs functionality didn't hinge on her undivided concentration, but it felt logical and needed. Maybe she was the one that needed it just so she didn't have another breakdown. Who knew?

"Why don't you go stretch your legs and get some fresh air; I'll keep an eye on her." Jeong-Hun suggested as he checked Bianca's bandages.

Though he was focused on what he'd been doing, he was well aware of Kris' squirming to get blood flowing back to her legs again.

"I'm fine..." She winced as that god awful springing sensation started tearing through her legs. Honestly, the numbness was ok but when they started to wake up from the motion it was horrible.

"Well I'm not; you're distracting me and I don't like distractions where my full vigilance is necessary. No offence..." He said, glancing up through his lashes from the other side of the bed.

And Kris thought she was a pro at 'fuck off' eyes.

"Too late..." She responded as she got up.
"Then I apologize."
"Yeah sure..." She said as she got up from her seat and hobbled out of the room. It didn't help that she was still wearing four inch pumps but that was the price to pay to make one's ass look as if it sat on a pedestal.

The moment she exited the room, she caught sight of Viktor who was sitting at a table in the corner, hunched over a laptop and a phone call. He was so deep into it that he hadn't notice her exiting the room or heading for the door that led to the roof. She would take Jeong-Hun's advice and seek out a bit of fresh air. It was stuffy being around all that dangerous male testosterone and weapons.
It was chilly but the air was crisp and soothing. Kris looked down at her yellow t-shirt that was well set with blood stains and clicked her tongue at it. Sometimes it was hard not to be violent when someone was staring you in the eye and lying to you. These things happen. Yep.

Did it bother her that she had hurt him? She looked up at the starry night's sky and sighed again. Not really; at least not as much as she had thought it would. There was an equal exchange of pain; hers was just of the physical variety. Viktor knew what he was getting himself into when he decided to pursue her and he certainly knew what consequences would derive if he betrayed her. So no, she was fine.


His face was bruised and slightly swollen...

Like I give a fuck. He lied to me...

But thinking about his reasons, Kris had to admit that he had known her well enough to know that lying to her was all that would ensure that she didn't interfere.

Again, I didn't ask for a hero and further more I hired him for this damn job; not the other way around.

Yes, but Viktor had informed her ages ago that this was no longer a job to him; that he would do every and anything to protect what was his.

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