Chapter 3

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When I reached the bottom of the stairs it took only seconds to realize I was in the dungeon. 


I heard heavy breathing.


I turned to the closest cell.


I ran to him taking his hand through the bars.

"Papa, your hands are like ice."

His breathing was raspy as he spoke.

"Alayna, you need to get out of here. The master of the castle will show you no mercy. Go, go!"

I felt tears running out of my eyes.

"I'm not leaving without you."

He started shaking harder and I heard foot steps behind me.

"What are you doing in my castle?!"

I turned to see a boy about my age walking down the stairs a candelabra in hand.

He had dark knee high black boots and pants on as well as a loose white shirt. His blonde hair fell in waves over his forehead.

"I came for my father."

He didn't answer anything.

"What's your name," he demanded instead.

I took deep breaths.


He just moved forward.

"You and your father have no business in my castle."

I tried to keep my breathing steady.

"Leave. He stays with me."

I felt more tears gush down my face.

"But he's sick!"

He started to yell at me.

"That makes no difference."

I felt my papa's grip loosen.

"Go Alayna, I've lived my life."

I sighed knowing what I had to do.

"Take me instead."

My papa screamed.


The boy was taken aback.

"What did you say?"

I sighed letting go of my papa's hand and stood up.

"Take me instead."

He nodded.

"Luken, set him free and tell the footman to take him back to the village!"

A man ran in and gave me a companionate glance as he opened the cell and pulled my father out.

"Yes, sir."

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