Chapter 10

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"Alayna," A voice whispered. "Alayna, it's time to get up dear."

My eyes fluttered open, I was lying in bed alone, but I wasn't in Connor's bed. I was in mine.

"What, what the!?"

I sat strait up now freaked out.

"Connor moved you late last night. He wasn't sure how traditional you wanted to be," Mrs. Leroy told me.

I smiled, always thoughtful.

She then laid a tray across my lap with a few sausage links as well as eggs and biscuits.

"I remember when I was pregnant," She told me as she hung up a garment bag on the back of the door and unzipped it pulling out the huge lump of white fabric. "I was always hungry, and the weird cravings drove my husband mad," She laughed. "My favorite was lemons. I took huge bites out of them, nothing added. Pure lemon. Oh, and I loved dipping things in pickle juice, even fruit," She laughed again as I stuffed my face, then something occurred to me.

"Mrs. Leroy, how did you know I was pregnant," I asked her, she smiled.

"Honey, the last few weeks you've eaten twice the amount of what you ate before then and your dresses are tighter. You sleep all the time."

I felt my face change to resemble shock.

"Don't worry dear. I was probably only awake for three weeks of my pregnancy," She smiled turning her back on me.

"Mrs. Leroy, I don't believe I've ever met your husband or your child," I said she smiled and came to sit next to me.

"Well, Mr. Leroy died many years ago in the war," she said.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I told her, she smiled.

"It's alright dear. I was just happy my son wasn't old enough to go, not that he didn't try," she laughed. "He was sixteen, but easily passed for twenty one. He almost got in when I walked in the room and ruined it for him," she laughed harder.

"Mr. Leroy was such a klutz that when he got drafted we both knew he wasn't going to make it back. Ah, but he made it longer than we expected. Anyway, I think you've seen my son. I've heard you mention him, but I completely agree with you. Draven is a bit of a handful," she smiled.

"Draven is your son," I asked.

"And a huge pain in the ass he is," she said taking my now empty tray. "Are you ready," she asked.

I followed her eye line to my dress.

"I think so," I told her getting out of bed.

She led me over to the vanity and began brushing my hair.

"What about your family dear? I know your father is a baker, but you haven't mentioned your mother," she said, I smiled.

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