Chapter 1

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I was in a deep sleep and kept hearing a beeping noise, that kept getting louder by the minute. Damn it what the hell is that...? That's when I realized it was my alarm clock. I reached over to turn it off but fell out of bed and hit the cold hard floor. I groaned slightly and heard my bedroom door open. Alyssa walked in and smiled, "Good morning sleepy head!" Damn did she have to be so loud? She went over and opened the blinds and I groaned covering my eyes from the sudden brightness. "Dude you are like a vampire with how dark you have it in here, except when you're working, and how you're so pale you could blend in with the snow." She teased like she did every morning. I rolled my eyes, "I'll take it into thought to get a tan and have my binds open more often." I suppressed a smile. Alyssa grinned, "Good! Oh and by the way..." Ah damn by how she said that something is going on... "What..?" "We have a new roommate. Two actually." I blinked and looked at her, "Why..?" "Well I met them the other day and they needed a place to stay, so I said they could stay with us since we have two extra rooms." I sighed, "Fine as long as they don't come into my room for any reason at all and if they do they are out." "Okay! Don't forget the movies and stuff for tonight!" She quickly walked out. I sighed and got up stretching. I went in to take a shower and was in the shower for like 30 minutes. When I got out I went into my room to change into something kinda nice. I decided on shorts, a purple shirt, and black converse. I left my hair down and brushed my bangs into my face a bit, but not to much, I would still like to be able to see at least.

I walked out of my room and saw Alyssa talking to two hot guys. How the hell did she get such hot guys to come stay her? Yeah I have absolutely no clue. I walked closer and looked the guys over. One was really tall like 6 foot something, he had sandy blond hair, and bright blue eyes. The other one was a bit shorter then the blond, he had black hair, and deep green eyes. Oh and they both had great tans.

" Who are they?" I asked Alyssa. "Their names are Aaron and Ashton." I looked at them. "Which is which?" The blond smiled, "I'm Aaron and that's my brother Ashton." I looked at Ashton and noticed he was checking me out. I cleared my throat and said, "My eyes are up here pretty boy." Ashton looked at me and grinned. "I've noticed." Stupid cocky damn player. It was so obvious he was a damn player. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going out for a bit. See ya Alyssa." Alyssa smiled. "Later A!" I brushed past Aaron and Ashton and walked out of the apartment. I went down to the lobby and said, "Hey Justin, can you make sure Alyssa stays out of trouble." Justin, the guy who worked in the lobby and who was a good friend, nodded, "Sure thing Ashley." " Thanks." I smiled and walked out of the building going to the store.

Once I got to the store I went to get horror/thriller movies first. I picked out all the Final Destination movies, the Scream movies, The Woman in Black, The Devil Inside, the Saw movies, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Nightmare on Elm Street. I got snacks and drinks for all of us. I went to pay and grabbed my bags before walking out and heading back to the apartment building.

As I was walking I noticed someone who looked very familiar and as it turned out it was my creepy ex-boyfriend. I walked faster, hoping he wouldn't see me and I sighed in relief when I got back to the apartment building without him seeing me.

I went up to my apartment and stopped outside the door hearing the two guys talking to Alyssa. After a minute or two I walked in and put things away. I put the movies in the living room and said, "Nobody touch the movies, if you do and you break them you are paying to replace them." Ashton grinned and mockingly saluted me. "Yes princess." I shot him a glare. This was going to be a long night...


First Chapter to The Players and The Princesses. Tell me how I did please~

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