Chapter 3

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Okay so mall not a great idea when you have two idiots who complain every five fucking seconds! No joke! Aaron keeps complaining that Alyssa and I are taking way to long in each store and Ashton keeps complaining that he is hungry and wants to get some food. They just won't shut up at all!

After about two hours of their constant complaining I finally snapped. "Shut the fuck up!" Both boys looked over at me with wider eyes. Alyssa started to laugh like super hard and it was hilarious because she laughed so hard she snorted a couple times, which made it so I was laughing. People looked at us like we were crazy but we just kept laughing for like 10 minutes straight.

So after a few more hours of shopping and having a lot of shopping bags we went out to my car and put all the stuff in the car. Aaron decided he should drive us home and I didn't care. Alyssa jumped in front so she could sit with him and I had to sit in back with Ashton. Hoo-fucking-ray. See sarcasm is my favorite language.

After a fifteen minute drive of me and Alyssa singing to different songs on the radio and another fifteen minutes of me and Ashton arguing like crazy. Yeah fun car ride for at least half of it.

As we finally got home me and Ashton carried all the things in bit by bit because Alyssa wanted to show Aaron a few things quickly. I sighed and smiled over at the new door guy, as I walked to the elevator.

After at least thirty minutes of me and Ashton going back and forth getting bags we were finally finished with them! Yes! It was sucky because the elevators stopped working when we where bringing in the last half of bags so we had to take the stairs to the eighth floor up and down at least twenty or so times! Can you say tiring?

Alyssa and Aaron where in the apartment cooking dinner and I heard Alyssa's laugh but wasn't sure what she was laughing at. I chuckled and went to my room to put on more comfortable clothes.

I locked the door to my room when I got in there an went over to my dresser. I opened a drawer and pulled out a sports bra before opening a different drawer and getting out a pair of black basketball shorts. I changed into those and pulled my hair up into a pony tail before walking back out into the dining room, seeing that dinner was ready.

The talk during dinner was mainly between Ashton, Aaron, and Alyssa. I was lost in thought and to be honest I don't exactly remember what I was thinking of. Alyssa was snapping her fingers in my face and I blinked a few times.

"H-Huh?" I stammered out.

"Uh you were like totally spacing out for uh like ever!" She yelled and was obviously trying not to laugh.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Whoops, I guess I was thinking about this book I read where this guy cut someone to pieces and then he decided to explain the gruesome, horrifying, terrifying way he slowly cut them-"

"ENOUGH!" Alyssa yelled, laughing.

"Okay, okay. Sorry," I laughed and took a bit of my salad.

I was glad when dinner was over, because for one we where all tired and could go to bed and for two the awkwardness left the room once it was.

I walked to my room and let my hair out of the ponytail and wiped the make up off my face. After brushing my teeth and brushing out my hair, I went over and sat on my bed before laying back and falling asleep rather quickly.

It was somewhere in the middle of the night when my bedroom door opened and someone walked in. They walked over to my bed and softly nudged my arm.

"Hey Ashley, can I sleep with you in here? My room is freezing." A deep, velvety smooth voice said. I nodded sleepily and moved over in my bed.

And that was when something clicked in my head. The person just asked to my bed..with me. In my bed! What the hell?! I opened my eyes more an noticed black hair and green eyes staring at me. That was when I freaked out and screamed.

~Alyssa's POV~

I heard a scream from Ashley's room and got out of my bed to see what it was. When I got close to her door I heard another voice besides hers and her damn door was locked.

"Ashton!" I heard her yell quietly.

"Shit, stop being so loud." I guess that was Ashton.

I listened to them carefully, my ear pressed against the door so I could hear them a bit better.

"Uh Ashton.." Ashley said quieter.

"Don't worry." Ashton said.

I heard Ashley sigh and that's when something finally clicked in my brain. Holy shit.. I thought, they're doing it!


And yep that's all I'm putting tonight I'm to tire to right more. Nah just kidding I'm wide awake! I'm wide awake. Ya know like that song by Katy Perry. Yeah so bye

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