Living with Spain

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Becky POV

  I watched as Jenny started cussing everyone out because Katie was gone. I cried more. Why?! We were twins me, and Jenny. I can't leave her. "Chíca, it time to go" He said.

  I was happy that I got to live with Spain, but what's the point without Jenny? "Oh, hell the fuck no!" She tried to get to me, but Germany picked her up over his shoulders.

  "Bye Jenny" I yelled as I got on the plane.

  I stared out the window down at Jenny. I cried. No more fights. No more sneaking out to watch stars. No more her depending me from the parents when it was me. No more her. No more Jenny. I crawled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.

  I woke up to be cuddled up with Spain in a bed. His arms were confronting. He was shirtless. I glanced around the room. It was dark but the moon gave enough light to see a huge dresser. It looked to be handed made but I didn't give much thought as I fell back to sleep.

What's up? I am sooo hungry!!!




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