The Tomato Lovers

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Becky POV

  I woke up again still in Spain's arms. Man, he is hot. Seriously I was sweating. I got out of his arms and stretched. Time to find the bathroom I thought to myself.

  I walked out of the room and ran into Romano. "Er, sorry" I blushed. I had a crush on him and Spain.

  "Do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked innocently, looking at him with my forest green eyes.

  "Yeah, down the hallway make a right and there it is" He said kindly, not his nature.

  "Thanks" I said, skipping down the hallway.

  I went to the bathroom and said "Hey, Jenny what do you think of Spain?"

  Then I realized she was with Germany, not me. I crawled into a corner again crying. "Becky, Chíca, are jou alright?" I heard Spain yell from somewhere.

  "No, I'm not alright. I'm have been kidnapped and been taken from my sister. Do expect me to be alright?" I cried, looking at him through my watery tears.

  "Chíca, I will get jour sister on the phone" He said, pulling out his phone.

  "Germany, yes this is Antonio. Becky would like to talk to Jenny" He said.

  "Nein, Jenny is insane and will kill me" He yelled in a panicky voice.

  I started crying again. "Please, Ludwig, for me" Spain begged.

  Then was a silence for a few minutes. "Fine" He said.

  Spain handed the phone to me. "Heyllo?" Said Jenny.

  "Hi, this is Becky" I said,

What's up?




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