Ax Battle!!!

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Becky POV

  I was sitting with Spain and Romano on both sides of me on the couch. Adam was sitting in my lap, wanting attention. I sighed as the two guys wanted attention too.

  "What's wrong, chíca?" Spain asked, looking at me.

  "I need some time alone" I said, grabbing Adam.

  I walked out the door to the yard. I relaxed as I sat on the ground and let Adam hop around freely. The grass was soft and cool as I thought of my old life. Wow it sucked, but I had my stupid sister.

  A blue suv pulled up the driveway. "Spain, someone is here" I yelled, still sitting on the ground.

  Spain and Romano walk out pf the house with puzzled looks. "Who-a is it?" Romano asked, confused.

  "I don't know" Spain answered, scratching his brown hair in confusion.

  "Hi!!!" Denmark jumped out if the suv.

  "What do jou want?" Spain asked.

  "We want Becky" He said as the Nordics all got out.

  "Not-a happening" Romano said, aa I got off the ground.

  "Jou two run I'll get them to leave" Spain said, pulling out his ax.

  Denmark grabbed his too. Spain lunge forward at him, but Denmark blocked his move. "Come-a on. We got-a get out of here" Romano grabbed my arm.

  We started to run with Adam hopping beside us. Norway followed behind us. "Shit shit shit" I mumbled ats he was caughting up.

  Adam stop and turned to Norway. He hopped at him and bite his leg. Norway let out a cry of pain and he kicked Adam into a tree. "Adam!!!" I yelled as his body went limp.

  I cried as we ran. "Come on" Romano yelled at he got on a motorcycle.

  I got on it and wrapped my arms around his waist. He started it and off we went.


I have always wondered who which one would win. Spain? Or Denmark? The Battle Of Axes!!! Anyways this is The End of the first book. The Second book will be called The World of Boyfriends!!!




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