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Prologue: Why I'm here

March, 12th, 2099 is the day he arose at age 20. In our continent that hasn’t been spoken of since, we wanted to stop wars. A man whose name no one knew, he claimed “I will stop your wars! Give me your best men. Your strongest men and you will be pleased.” Many people wanted war to end and so they came from all over voluntarily. He put them through the most rigorous tests and only 1,000 out of the whole continent passed, that means out of 5,000 people only 100 passed his terrible test. Then he said “give me your best military weapons, we must end war by enforcing laws!” the greatest leaders asked “What is your name?”  He told them his name was “One”  they asked for a last name he said “∞” they gave him the weapons for they were desperate. Anyone caught breaking the law was not given a trial but publicly humiliated, or imprisoned on a boat. If they didn’t starve to death first, when enough people got imprisoned they would be sent off without any food or water. What people now call The Disappearing Act happened he abducted the weapons and biochemistry scientists of North America, Asia, Europe, South America and Australia, without leaving a trace. They were all forced to work together until they created the ultimate weapons then were held prisoners. He shot the leaders and took their place. He took the new undetectable bomber planes and took flight to Russia, and he wreaked havoc. He bombed Russia out of 90% of its population, the survivors were fenced in. All of Russia was fenced off from the rest of the world. Europe got scared off and evacuated. The brave ones were taken inside the fence and kept there, or killed. The conditions inside the fence weren’t good. We have planes over head, cameras on electric fences, soldiers lined within a ten mile radius! Our names were taken from us, we became numbers. We were given things that could be used as weapons only in the supervision of 2 soldiers; even pens were only allowed to be used under supervision! Trees were planted and we were given our own community, nevertheless we felt trapped and hopeless.

 Our language was taken from us, and we all had to learn English. If you did something he did not like, you ended up here. I don’t know what my family did, but I’m their next generations and I’m living in this trap. I’m in Old Russia about 15 minutes away from The Fence. My number is 1,111, this is my life.   


I finish the entry in my journal on the history of why I’m stuck in this place, and place my book down.

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