Meeting Liam

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I am Raia, your average 17 year old. I was sitting with my two BFFs, Kayla and Allison when I saw him. He was absolutely gorgeous. He was the one.

"Wow", whispered Kayla, "Do you see him too or am I daydreaming?" "Oh, I see him alright." Ally whispered back. "I dare you to go talk to him!" insisted Kayla. "Sure!" snickered Ally.

She sauntered over trying to look cool, and tapped him on the shoulder. The boy had sandy brown hair, cobalt blue eyes, and a muscular build. He was wearing a grey zip-up hoodie over a black shirt and dark blue jeans.

"Hi, I'm Allison. What's your name?" Ally said in a voice that was slightly higher pitch than usual. "Uhhh, hey. I'm Liam." he said in a deep voice. "I like your, uhh, sweater..." she said wearily. God that girl was cheesy. "Haha!" Liam chuckled. "Do you want anything?" he questioned her. "N-N-no, it's fine. Do you want to come sit with me and my friends? Like, after you order?" "Sure." he said. Ally went and sat down, bubbling with joy. "OMG that was awesome!" she whisper-screamed. "Geez Ally, don't make a scene, he's coming over!" I said excitedly.

Oh my god. He was looking right. At. Me. "Eeeeh!" I squealed. Oh god. Did I say that out loud? My face turned bright red. "Uhh, Hey...?" Liam said. I hadn't realized he was right there. "Mind if I sit down?" "Of course!" Kayla piped in.

We all sat in awkward silence for about a minute until I shrike the silence and introduced myself. Umm, I'm Tina. This is Kayla," I said, gesturing to her,"and you've already met Ally- I mean, Allison." I smiled. "So, what high school do you go to? Or are you in College?" Kayla asked. "I just moved here last month, June 29th, and I'm going to be going to Heatherfield High." Liam stated. "No way!!!", Kayla said excitedly, "That's where we go!!!"

Yesss! I thought, doing a mental fist pump. I used to have a crush on this football player named Kyle, but not anymore. I like Liam now... Ally broke my train of thought by saying, "So, how old are you anyway? Us three are all 17 except for Tina who's turning 17 next month." "I'm 17 going on 18." Oh. So much for having classes together. "Well, I've gotta go, it was nice meeting you all. Do you mind if I get your numbers so we can keep in touch?" he asked us.

Oh. My God. He wanted my number. Well, all of our numbers, but I was included in that. "Ok", I said, my heart beating. We all read the digits off, he told us his number, and he left. Bzzzzt!

I need your help with dinner, pick up milk and cheese on the way home. -mom

On my way home, when I stopped at the grocery store, I couldn't help but notice the headlines on the newspaper;

Boy Brutally Stabbed to Death

Authorities say that the accused Steven Kenson bribed 23 year old Jackson Brown to do the killing via text mesagges.

Wow, that's some scary stuff. No wonder my mom wouldn't let me get a phone untill I was 16. I went home and helped my mom with dinner, but I couldn't stop thinking about Liam. I almost cut my finger off while chopping carrots! Liam was just so... captivating, so perfect. I wanted to text him but I didn't want to seem so eager. I 'll just wait until tommorow. No, I'll come up with an excuse to text him. After helping with dinner, I bolted off to my room and grabbed my phone.

Hey, this is Raia. Just wanted to make sure I got the right number. Is this Liam? -Raia

Yup, this is the right number. Liam Hensworth at your service! :P -Liam

Hehehehe :) -Raia

Oh gosh, I had his last name!!! I am soo stalking on Facebook! I went on the computer right away and searched him up. I decided it might seem pushy to send him a friend request, but luckily his profile was public. Bzzzzt! Another text;

OMG that guy Liam at starbucks was sooo cute!!! -Ally

Yeah, he's really... special. -Raia

I know, right? -Ally

My mom is calling me, I gotta go. -Raia

Ok, bye! See you at the mall tomorrow? -Ally

Yep, bye! -Raia

"Raia, come and set the table for dinner!" my mom called. Ugh, why can't my brother do it? I went and got started just as my dad came in from work. He is a police officer. He always comes home really angry, I'm not sure why.

"Is Connor up yet?" my dad asked. "Umm, no, I don't think so." my mom said. "CONNOR!!! YOU GET YOUR LAZY @$$ UP HERE RIGHT NOW!!! my dad bellowed. "What?" my brother asked in a dreary voice after he came upstairs. "I'm tired of this." my father started. This certainly wasn't the first time he had given this lecture. " I have to wake you up for dinner when I get home! I shouldn't have to. You should been up here helping Raia and your mom make dinner. You never hand your homework on time and I am constantly disappointed with your report card. You need to ge your act together or there will be consequences. Okay?" "Ok" my brother replied.

Hey Ally, im almost there. Is Ally coming too? -Raia

Yeah, I'm picking her up. See ya! -Ally

Ok, see ya soon! -Raia

At the beach I saw Ally and Kayla waving to me under a beach umbrella near the water. I went over to them and took my shirt off (I had my bathing suit on underneath). "Wow, do you see those surfers over there? They are soo hot!" said Kayla. I- I think thats Liam!

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