Chapter 26

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Life moved on.  Chrissy focussed only on her work and her family. Every now and then she would hear what was going on at Swaroski House through Linda but she didn't go there herself. There was enough to keep her occupied at her shop.

Then one day, she heard he was back. Just like that. The hotel was to be started very soon and many of the staff at the Regency Palace was being appointed at the new place to oversee the operations. Linda was one of them. She was super excited. Most of the times she was working from Swaroski House these days.

Sometimes meetings took place at Regency Palace as well but not once Chrissy glimpsed Nikloi. Even their paths didn't seem to cross ever. At times she was disappointed at missing out all the excitement involved in the launch of the new hotel. But she knew this was for the better.

Her shop kept her busy and whatever time was left, she spent with her family. Alice was about to complete her High school and would be going to college soon. She was busy with reading loads of brochures to help her decide her career choice, which course, which college, which place. Money was an important criteria to decide the choices but Chrissy wanted her to decide on her own. She didn't want her to limit her options. She had been saving since last year and was hopeful her work would continue to support all her sister's dreams.

She also met the specialist recommended by the doctor at Bath along with her mother. Dr Keaton's consultancy fees were very high but he was also quite famous in his field. He ran a couple of new tests on her mother. After going through the reports, he confirmed her mother had a rare form of nervous system disorder. While she appeared normal most of the times but under stressful or other limiting circumstances, her neurological sensors weakened, thus breaking the communication network across the body. The most critical one of such failures could lead to paralysis or worse stoppage of heart. Medicines could control further deterioration of the synapses but couldn't cure it. Brain surgery was the only way it could be treated completely. 

He told her that her mother was responding well to the medicines as of now but it was difficult to predict future with accuracy in such cases. It was possible that she may never have a complete breakdown, or it could happen any time.

Chrissy had tried to explain the same to her mother, but she had laughed it off saying that she didn't need surgery. Dr Keaton had told Chrissy not to push her mother since it was important for the patient to be ready on her own or else it may have detrimental effects. But he had asked her to continue working with her such that her mother was ready sooner than later.

Alice was also concerned about her mother's health. One day she told Chrissy that she was thinking of working with her friend's family business because she wanted to contribute to the family. She was not sure if going for higher education was a good idea but Chrissy told her she should not worry. Alice was very good at studies. She had special interest in Biotechnology. Chrissy really wanted Alice to go for further education and get a professional degree, unlike herself.

After much convincing Alice was able to accept that she'll be in better position to support the family once she completes her formal education. She finally applied for admission in the University which was known for its program on Biotechnology. Since this was a specialized course, the admission fees, etc were exorbitantly high but her college was one of the most prestigious institutes for Biotechnology. It also meant that she had to move to a hostel since this was a residential program.

While her grades lwere good, Alice would know the results about her admission in two months' time. But Chrissy was certain, her sister would definitely make the cut.

With so much happening around and so many new decisions to be taken, Chrissy had not had the time to think about anything else. And she was more than happy with this arrangement. She didn't want to face or even think about what would happen when she would face him.

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