Chapter 11

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oh my gosh guys im sorry for not posting a new chapter . forgive me :O ! im such a bad person . i been working on my costumes for AX . and im not even done im dressing up as toby ! :D well anyway heres the story. yeah im putting masky as a guy now cause yeah he was suppose to be a girl in my story but now i want him to stay as he is :D .. and yeah i hoped you guys liked it? give it a vote please?? ;)


(Jeff POV)

I was back on the road, heading back to the house with the others.

There was something strange about the woods.

Its quiet like always but i feel like someone is following me...

I see a shadow right next to a nearby tree.

I take out my knife quickly. "Stop hiding and show yourself!" I grumbled.

The girl shows herself.

It was ..jane..

"Why are you following me?!"

She stared at me blankly.

"I need to talk to you, Jefferey"

I mumbled. "Call me Jeff, dammit"

"Im serious Jeff." she was frowning.

My anger went away, i started to feel.. guilty.

She walked closer to me. "Lets sit and talk."

We both sat down.

She looked over at me and smiled.

"I just wanted to remind you about some things..."

I looked at her confused. "Like What?"

"Remember when you said that you loved me.." she took out a necklace i gave to her 3 years ago.

I nodded.

"I-i.." She broke down.

I looked her, not knowing what to do or say to her.

i awkwardly put my arm around her shoulder.

She looked up and smiled at me.

"Jeff im the girl you had sex sorry.."

My eyes widened.

"W-what .."

Instead of yelling at her and getting angry. i just gave her a smile.

"I just want to tell you how sorry i am.. i-i tried to talk to you.. but i was just a bitch.. im sorry.."

"Im also sorry for hurting you Jeff... i didnt mean anything of it .."

I hugged her tightly.

"its okay Jane.... i-i forgive you ."

"Thank you Jefferey."

She burried her face on my neck.

I patted her hair. "Im glad we can be friends jane."

"Yeah me too."

(Bens POV)

I was in the kitchen making Cheesecake with Masky and Toby.

"I want this cheesecake to taste wonderful..." Masky looked in the oven being impatient.

"Every cheeseecake taste good to you masky." toby hugged him from behind.

"Hey! I love my Cheesecake! hehe.. "

I smiled at both of them.

"You're a cheesecake otaku Masky." i joked.

He looked at me. "Oh my gosh i love that!"

I smiled at him.

Eyeless jack came in the kitchen and sat next to me.


I looked at him confused.

"So now someone wants to socialize."

He looked at me and chuckled.

"Of course, i want to know what you guys are up to!"

"Making cheesecake." i point over to masky who is still looking in the oven.

"Masky your eyes balls are gonna melt if you keep looking!" toby tries to pull masky away but he refuses.

Me and Jack laugh at them.

Laughing Jill walks in.

"It smells good! .. Is it.. Cheese cake!" she smirked.

Masky turned and lookes surprise. "how did you know it was.."

"Pssssh i love cheesecake!"

"Awesome! i made alot too!"

"How many?"


"Wow.. can i have a cheesecake for myself?" she blushed.

Masky smiled at her. "Anything for you Jill."


Toby grabbed his iphone and put the song "World is mine by Hatsune Miku."

"sekai de ichi-ban ohime-sama . Sou iu atsukai kokoro-ete .... Yo ne?" Toby posed.

(Meaning: The number one princes in the whole world. You should know by now how to please me... OK?)

We all looked at toby, jaw dropped.

He chuckled and kept singing with the song.

We then looked at Masky.

"Yep he can sing a little Japanese, he always listens to Vocaloid."

"oh okay." i chuckled and looked at toby who was still dancing and singing.

"oh my god toby .." laughing jack looked actually afraid.

He bursted in laughter.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Hey guys me and Jill have great news."

(Laughing Jack POV)

We all looked at Laughing Jack curiously.

Slenderman walked in the kitchen.

"Oh yes .. slenderman also needs to hear the news?"

"What news?"

Jack hugged Jill and smiled. "Jill is Pregnant."

Everyone was silent.

"Oh my gosh really!?" Toby ran to Jill and put his ear on her belly.

She giggled.

"Is it a boy or Girl?!"

"I dont know Yet." "but im hoping its a boy."

"Dawwww i want a girl though." I said kissing her cheek.

"Cmon Jack we both know its gonna be a boy.. just watch." she smiled at me.

I leaned in and kissed Jill.

"So yeah thats all we had to say." he giggled.

( Bens POV)

I looked away from the couple.

i wish i have a relationship like that...

"Congrats Jill and Jack." i said to them with a smile.

"Thank You." they said at the same time.

I smiled back.

i started to think about Jeff.

I wonder if hes okay ... i know he is. I smiled to myself.

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