thirty six

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imagine Thomas, holding onto your hand. His touch is comforting, but it is nothing compared to the feeling inside of you. You had asked him to drive you here, you didn't know if you could do it on your own. You had only been here two times since it had happened and today marked a year since it's occurrence.

Your best friend had been hit by a drunk driver, killing her. Knowing that you would never see her again ripped you to shreds, and you felt so guilty for not apologizing to her. A few months before her death, the two of you had stopped talking. The guilt of not mending things felt like a weight you had to drag behind you with a chain attached to your heart.

A blanket was set onto the cold ground and you sat in front for her stone. Dirty flowers stood beside her picture, and you replaced them with fresh ones. Thomas had yet to say word, providing only silence. His presence helped, and it reminded you of one of the few reasons you had came.

"I know it's been a while since I have physically visited, but it has always been on my mind. I can't even get in a car anymore without thinking of you and praying that I make it back home okay." You wipe a tear from your makeup free face and continue saying what was on your mind.

"I want you to meet someone very dear to me. We met a few days after the accident, and he has become such an important part of my life. He has been by my side through it all and I thought it was only fair if you got to meet him. This is Thomas." You point to him and you are surprised when he begins to talk. His gaze stays focused on her stone.

"Hello, I'm Thomas, your best friend's boyfriend. It's hard for me to explain how this feels for me, and it pains me to think about how Y/N feels. She has been so depressed and so heart broken by all of this. I wish I could help her, and I do try, but it's between the two of you. I can only pray for her and love her." His voice wavers, and his grip on your fingers tighten.

"If there is anyway you can do something to let her know that she will be okay again, I'm begging you to do it. It kills me to see her in so much pain. Just give her a sign. I don't know exactly what happened between the two of you but I do know that if you knew how bad she feels about it and how much she misses you, the two of you could be okay again. I'm only asking this because I love her with all of my heart and I can't stand to see her this way."


High above her and Thomas, an angel watches. Her brown hair gently frames her face and her beautiful white wings unfold around her. She descends to them, landing behind them. They can not see her, but she can see them as clear as day.

The angel takes in the sight of her distraught best friend. She had forgiven her a long time ago, and to see her here again brought a warm feeling to her heart. A tear ran down her face, yet she couldn't feel it. She left behind feeling physical things when she became an angel, but her ability to feel emotion stayed.

Slowly, her legs took her closer to the couple. Concentrating, she put all of her strength into what she was doing. Over and over she repeated the words. I love you, everything is going to be okay, I love you, everything is going to be okay, I love you.

Y/N's head lifted and a gasp tore through the silent graveyard. Sobs racked her thin body and Thomas looked at her with wide eyes. Y/N looked around her wildly, her hair snapping with the movement. She had heard the angel's words, she knew she had.

The angel then made herself visible to Thomas and told him to be quiet. He said nothing, his eyes going wide. He pulled both of his lips between his teeth, trying to not say anything. He instantly knew who this angel was, he didn't need to be told.

"Take care of her Thomas, and let her know that I love her. Everything is okay between the two of us, I forgave her a long time ago. I watch over her everyday, and I am so glad she has someone like you." The angel then became invisible again. She sat down beside Y/N, just like she had been doing for the past few months.

Y/N was still crying, not believing and believing at the same time. She felt that familiar warm feeling spread through her hand, it had been doing it for a few months now. Unsure, she looked at her hand. Her fingers had clenched around something, and when she opened her palm, she was met with a purple rose petal. It was her best friend's favorite color and in that moment she knew everything was okay.

A silent whisper left her lips, "I love you too."

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