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I jolted awake, my body drenched in cold sweat, and looked around, terrified. Once I was sure that I was still in my room, I took a deep sigh and flopped back on to my bed. I had had a nightmare, and in it I was being dragged into the old Whickermans house. The Whickermans house is the ghost house of our town.

  It wasn't no run down dirty building, it was actually a beautiful Victorian style house, so that's not why its rumored to be the resident ghost house. The reason it is, is Lucy Dale. Lucy is the typical blonde cheerleader, she's nice and all but she can't seem to say no to a dare. It all started last year, she and some jocks were messing around and got drunk.

They dared her to break into the house and take something as proof, so being the risk-taker she is, she did.  No one really knows what happened in that house that night but after that night Lucy never spoke to anyone, she became a selective mute, eventually dropping out of school all together. No one dares to go in the Whickmans.

  I glanced at my phone seeing it was time for me to get up. I put on music and got up to get dressed. Singing along to myself softly I picked out a soft Grey shirt and black leggings. Throwing my curly hair into a messy bun I went through my daily routine. Grabbing my bag and my shoes I hoped down the stairs to the kitchen still singing to myself.
  I made myself a Hazelnut Cappuccino and poured it into my favorite royal blue bottle. My whole room was based on that color, royal blue and black. Popping myself a bag of popcorn and sat down seeing I still had time left till the bus came. I usually do. It was then that I noticed my mum had left a note on the kitchen table.

~had to fly to london for an emergency meeting, I'll call you later and let you know when I'll be home. Take care, XOXO. P.S. If you invite friends over make sure you clean up before and after~ mum

Sighing I tossed the note in the trash, doing a little dance when I surprisingly made it. Grabbing my stuff and slipping my earbuds in I walked to my bus, getting there just as it pulled up.
   I was used to being home alone. After my dad died my mom was in a real bad state, she didn't eat or sleep. But then she started pouring herself into her work and eventually got promoted to CEO of the company she works in. She still misses him, we have a dinner on his birthday every year for him.
   She's better now though, laughing and smiling at the littlest things. I had asked her one time what changed and she had glanced down into her lap and said, " I realized I had only lost one good thing in my life, although I still get sad thinking about it..." She looked up and smiled, " that day you had broken down in my room and told me I need to eat because you didn't want to lose me too.... I realized how much I love you. You keep me going." She laughed, grinning at me. "That and coffee."

   My moms my best friend, although I'm not gonna tell her everything because she's still mom. Its gonna be  awkward if I went to her like 'OMG! You will not buh-lieve who I just fucked!' Like no, not happening.
I sat on the bus humming to myself as my music drowned out everyone on it. By now you probably realized I like music. I mean I wouldn't be able to function without it.
   Getting off the bus I waved at Tiana and her cheer squad. I was going to go into the school when I realized she was motioning for me to come over.
I pulled out my buds as I got close, "Hola Chika."
Tiana hugged me and leaned in close, "There's a new kid!! Like since when did we start getting new kids!? And the dudes hot, that's an added bonus!" She stopped and frowned, squinting her blue eyes at me.
I widened my own amber eyes and held my hands up in surrender, "Ayeee, what I do!? I'm actually listening this time."
She glared, " What do you mean this time..."
I shrugged, " I be zoning out."
She broke out in laughter, causing people to glance at us.
" Paris, I know you don't be listening. You have this face on when you zone out." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Im just jealous because you'll be showing him around."
I shrugged again. "Not like he's going to like me."
She stared at me with a blank face, " You really are oblivious."
" Nothing, nothing. You can go now." She shooed me away with her pink manicured hand, shaking her head at me as if I was a lost cause.
Walking into the school slightly confused, I put my buds back in and waved at everyone as I made my way to my first period.
    I'm cool with everyone at school. Well, almost everyone. I looked at Bella Lune in disgust as she passed by me. Bella is the definition of fake. She'll smile in your face like she's your closest friend but as soon as you turn around she'll talk shit about you like you had killed her puppy and danced on it.
   I've never been friends with her but she has bad vibes. My friendships are based on my vibes from people, because my vibes have never been wrong.
   I danced my way into the councling office, smiling in relief as I put my bag down. My first period is student aiding in the councler office.
"Hola, Mrs. Price."
   Mrs. Price looked up a smile on her kind face.
  "Good morning, Ms. Cipranio."
"Is there any notes for me to deliver?"
"Why yes, there is." I went to grab the little blue slips of paper but stopped when she pulled her hand back. "There's also another thing I need you to do while you're running these notes." I tilted my head at her
" I need you to show this new student around while you're doing this, he will also be in here in the mornings with us to student aid, seeing as study hall is full."
I glanced behind me, finally noticing that we weren't the only ones in the office. He glanced up upon hearing himself being mentioned in our conversation. My eyes landed on his stormy grey eyes. . I felt a chill run down my spine.... Something was off about him.
"Cool by me, I'll be extra good if you order me my usual for lunch..." I said turning back to Ms. Price with a smirk.
She raised a brow," Oh god! Is this bribery?!You dare bribe me?!"
I shrugged, "Pretty much."
"Deal. Now shoo along!"
  Turning back to the new kid, I motioned for him to follow me, "Come on Storm."
He let out a deep chuckle as he got up and trailed after me, "Thats not my name."
I turned and smiled at him, "It is now.... Goddamn! How fucking tall are you?!" I exclaimed, as I had to crane my neck to meet his eyes.
"Im only 6" 7."
"The fuck you mean only! You're huge bruh!"
He shrugged and let out a soft laugh.
I started at him before remembering the notes in my hand and turned back around.
"Lets go Storm, you got plenty to see." I grumbled, still mad at how tall he was. I swear to god I feel like a midget. I was about to begin walking once more, but stopped. I was hit with a strong feeling of being watched.
  I glanced around and chuckled nervously when I didn't see anything.
  "Yea... Lets hurry up..."
"You okay?"
"Dont worry 'bout it." I shrugged and started walking faster. "Come on, slow poke! You'd think you would be in front of me with your long ass legs!"
I smiled when he laughed, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of eyes burning holes into my back.

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