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I woke to the slight smell of bacon. I groaned and rolled over, debating whether or not I wanted to get out of bed.I argued the pros and cons of getting up with myself for 5 minutes before I sat up and lazily got out of bed.
I went to the bathroom and did my buissness, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I hummed to myself as I brushed my hair and headed downstairs.
Roman sat at the table eating some eggs and starring intently at some papers in his hands. I sat down and pulled the plate of bacon towards me. Only then did Roman look up.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm eating, duh." I drenched the bacon in syrup and grinned as I watched him give me a look of disgusting. Roman isn't the type to like sweet things, he actually doesnt like anything sweet, now that I think about it.
"Ugh, you can have it. Even though I took my precious time making them perfect so I can enjoy them not you."
I laughed as I took a bite of the crisp bacon. We sat there in a comfortable silence, him working and me eating.
"Want to go to the mall today?"
Roman looked up with an apolegetic look. "I can't my dad wants me to finish all this paperwork by the end of today."
I sighed and nodded. I sat there for a bit before deciding I would just go by myself. Grabbing the last piece of bacon i went upstairs to get ready. Grabbing some leggings and a cropped top I got into the shower, singing random things.
As I was putting my clothes on, Roman knocked on the door and told me he had gotten a call from his father and had to go. It was two hours later when I was finally leaving my house and heading to the mall.

The sliding doors closed behind me as I entered the mall. First things first, I thought as I headed to Victoria secrets. I ended up buying three new bras and 7 pairs of panties, they had been having a sale thankfully. Leaving the store 2 things caught my eyes. Storm was siting across the mallat the food court staring intensly at his hands. The other thing that caught my eyeswas a man standing by a booth and starring at me. He wore all black and had white long hair put into a ponytail. Although the man's hair was whitehe looked to be in his 20's. His eyes scared me the most, they were completely black and when I looked into them all happiness seemed to drain out of me. Glancing back at storm I ended up making eye contact with him, he smirked. Getting up he started walking towards me with long strides. Only when he was within ears length did his smirk began to fade.
"Are you sick or something, you look like you've seen a ghost?"
"T-that man, do you see him too?"
Storm glanced around looking confused, his eyes landed on the strange man, who still have yet to move.
"Shit..." He muttered. " Where's your mom?"
"What does that have to do with anything??"
"Paris, where the fuck is your mom?"
"She's on a business trip, why?"
"Are you sure?"
My phone pinged and I glanced at it.

Hey honey, I came home early, we ended up closing the deal pretty quickly. Make sure you come home later. I missed you.

"Nevermind shes home now."
"Shit! We got to get to your house and quick!"
Storm was practially dragging me out of the mall now, without waiting for a reply. He ignored my protests and pushed me into a car, that I assumed was his.
10 minutes of protesting later and we were at my house.
My mouth dropped, "How the hell do you know where I live!?"
I was going to call him another name when I realized the front door was opened wide. Mom never leaves the door open because she hates bugs getting in. Jumping out of the car I ran inside ignoring Storm's warnings.

Blood. There was so much blood. It was splattered along the walls and staining the carpet.
Hearing a low grumbling noise i walked slowly to the kitchen. "Mom?"
The sight I saw will forever be stuck in my memoies. A grayish creature stood over my mother's body it had a hump and arms that wereso long they dragged behind it. Its eyes were large empty sockets. A gaping mouth with rows of sharp teeth as long as my fingers.
A sob escaped through my lips as I realized my mom was dead. Its head snaped to me and a loud screech escaped its mouth. A hand vovered my mouth and pulled me into a room, just seconds before it had reached mei looked up tears staining my face to see storm holding a finger to his lips to tell me to keep quiet. I now could tell that it was blind as it groped around the halls looking for me. Storm pointed to the window that was inside the room we were inand we climbed out of it quietly.
The damn broke as we sped away, I curled up and cried until a blanket of darkness covered me and lulled me to sleep.

A/N~ sorry for the short chapter 😥 i have writers block

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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