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I was in the forest. Branches whipped past me, pulling and tearing at my clothes and skin. Lightning flashed, illuminating the forest. The thunder shattered through the air piercing my ears. Why was it so loud? I covered my ears, screaming in pain. Getting back up, a choked sob ripped free from my throat as I continued to run. I can't let him get me.
As I looked back behind me once more I realized I had made a mistake. Another scream tore from my lips as my feet didnt hit ground and I plumented to the icy water below.
Holding my breath I started to swim up, in desperate need for air. But no matter how hard I kicked it seemed i was getting farther from the surface. I could feel myself slipping away
I stopped kicking.
My eyes shot open as I gasped for air. Roman sat in front of me a worried look on his face as he waited for me to catch my breath.
"Well that must've been an extreme dream... You kept screaming that a storm was going to get you." He said laughing nervously.
I curled into him and sighed, still shaking slightly. We didnt say nothing for a while, just sat in silence.
"Hey, Roman?"
"Have you ever realized a nightmare is just a dream with an immense amount of fear in it?"
He laughed, shaking his head, before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Alittle while after his breathing slowed. I layed there in his arms Wide awake, i knew full well I wasnt going to sleep anytime soon. Wiggling out of Roman's arms, I pulled my slippers on and headed outside. Rubbing my arms i looked around and sighed.
The forest looked beautiful at night. The moon was full tonight and as beautiful as ever. The forest was lit enough for me to walk around for a bit but not too far. As I looked around i noticed just a little farther in there was glowing white flowers. As I moved closer I recognized their beautiful petals, they were Moonflowers. I squealed in glee as I took my phone out and snapped some pictures of them.
After doing so I sat down just admiring them. All of sudden the flowers shut their petals, and the air grew cold. I looked around noticing all the wildlife had grown quiet.
"Fuck this shit..." I spun around and sped out of the forest. I was almost out when I heard it.
A cold scratchy voice syaing my name. I froze. More voices joined their cold whispers soon growing louder until they were screaming my name. Hearing a branch snap from behind me had me moving again.
I broke out into a run and didnt stop untill I got home. Something was bound to happen, something bad. All of the things happening had me wondering if I was truly going crazy. If my snaity has finally reached its breaking point, and snapped. Leaving me as some paranoid idiot
I tucked myself back into Roman's arms, tears silently running down my face. Thats how I eventually fell asleep,telling myself things would be back to normal tomorrow.

Boy, Ive never been so fucking wrong about something in my life.

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