Chapter 2

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'And? Do you like them?' Chelsea asks to the girls when they're done with changing their clothes. 'I don't know they were really...quiet.' Cassidy says carefully picking her words. 'True! But J-Hope really is a cutie!' Allison answers with dreamy eyes.

'He stop that! You have to see them as colleagues' Joy says with a warning look that makes Allison aware of what she just said. 'I know I know, we have to stay professional.' Allison murmers disappointed.

'What are your thoughts about them?' Rachel whispers to her best friend Brooklyn. 'Honestly, I think we'll become good friends!' Brooklyn beams back to Rachel. Rachel runs a hand through her hair. 'I'm already satisfied with the chichken that we two are getting.' Both of them laugh as their getting up from their seets.

'Such a pity that you have to leave so soon-...'

They boys stop listening to the conversation between both managers. 'Annnd?? What do you guys think?' Hoseok asks somewhat nervous. 'Nothing fun about them' Jungkook mutters while looking at his phone. Jungkook get's shy really easily when meeting new people. 'I actually quite like them.' Hoseok confesses honestly.

So Hoseok is the only one who likes them?

'Oh yea, we can do that.' The managers talk a little bit more before they start walking. 'Where are you heading to?' The boys look at the managers with questionable eyes. 'To the performance ofcourse!' Managers Kyungsoo beams with excitement. Performance? The boys don't feel like watching their performance at all. Sam sees the faces of the boys. 'There are only four songs, the girls just held their meet and greet. This is an extra they want to do for their fans.' Sam gives the boys of BTS a smile before walking of.

Manager Sejin looks at the boys with a disappointed look. They could at least try to be supportive. The boys feel a wave of guilt right away.

'Come on boys! I want to see what those girls can do!' Jin and Hoseok run away trying to catch up with the managers who've already left.

The other five boys look at eachother before also running to see the performance.


'Thank you all for coming! We love you!' the girls of BlackNote say before going of stage. They only sang slow songs. The fans ofcourse loved it but the boys thought that the girls were good, no doubt about that, but it was just to boring for all of the boys.

The BTS members are now waiting backstage to thank BlackNote for their, whatsoever boring, performance. But they don't get the chance to do so. Out of nowhere they hear a lot of loud voices yelling in the back.

'Girls!! We've missed you so much!' Jackson yells while entering the room with a just as noisy GOT7 behind him.

'Jack!' Joy throws her arms around Jackson. 'He don't forget about us.' Yugyeom laughs while looking at the two hugging. He then turns around and sees Jungkook. 'Yo Kookie what are you doing here?' Yugyeom says still laughing. 'Well that's what I wanted to ask you.' Jungkook shrugs with confusion clearly present in his eyes. 'We're visiting our best friends ofcourse!' Yugyeom smiles.

'You're going to work together! How lucky!' BamBam says while appearing like a wild pokemon out of nowhere. BTS just nod their heads with surprised expressions.

Yugyeom walks up to Jungkook, reducing the distance between them. 'Why those wrinkles on your forehead bro?' Yugyeom asks with humor to a still surprised and confused Jungkook. 'Oh it's nothing...'

Yugyeom can clearly see that there's something bothering him, but shrugs it of, knowing that Jungkook won't tell him anything unless he wants to.

Brooklyn walks over to the two talking boys so she can stand behind Yugyeom. 'Hello there my giant, have you missed me?' she jokingly asks Yugyeom, who turns around with a smile so he can embrace his best friend.

Jungkook quickly looks away, he feels uneasy. He has never seen his best friend so close with a girl. Jungkook snaps back out of his thoughts because of manager Sam. 'Chellie, Brooke hurry up! We're leaving to get your chicken!' Manager Sam sighs knowing he has to pay for all the chicken.

The youngest two are immediatly hurrying up when hearing their names. 'We're coming!' Brook shouts with excitement in her voice, knowing that she will get chicken together with Rachel. Brooklyn hurries herself to Sam, who's waiting in the doorway for both of the girls so they can leave.

'Chellie hurry up please!' Brooklyn says ensuring that Rachel will hurry. Rachel quickly hugs her best friend BamBam before running to the youngest one in their band and their manager.

'Aww are they leaving already?' JB pouts while looking at the three leaving people. 'They're getting chicken because they behaved well during our meeting.' Cassidy smiles to the disappointed JB.


While driving to the restaurant the two girls can't hold their excitement anymore. They were not allowed to eat chicken because of their diets.

After a car ride of about 10 minutes they arrive at the restaurant. 'Oke girls, go inside and get a table for three people, I will park my car and will be inside in a couple minuts.' Manager Sam orders. Rachel and Brooklyn nod their heads in agreement before getting out of the car and walking into the restaurant.

They both get welcomed by the pleasant smell of food while taking place to their assigned table. Not much later manager Sam walks into the building and they order their food.

'So how was the food?' Sam asks nervously. The girls sense his nerves right away. 'It's oke Sam, you don't have to prove yourself. We have already passed that stage, you know that right?' Rachel gives Sam a comforting look.

'I know but I just can't help i-...' Manager Sam gets cut of by Brooklyn before he can even finish his sentence. 'Stop it Sam, no buts, you don't have to compare yourself! You're a perfect manager.' 'Yes, really perfect.' Sam starts to laugh.

'But uhm, does BTS know about it?' Brooklyn asks after a while.

'I told Sejin hyung about it, but so far I know he hasn't told the boys anything.' Manager Sam declares. Brooklyn nods. 'Don't tell them about it.' Rachel says with a serious tone. 'But Rachel they have to kno-' Rachel shakes her head. 'I want them to treat us normally.' Brooklyn agrees with Rachel and continues 'She's right, we want them to like us and talk with us because we're getting along. Not because they pity us. Compassion will be the last thing we want from them.'

• Your daily dose of sunshine •

• Your daily dose of sunshine •

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Thank you for reading! xx R&V

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