Chapter 1

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'Guys gather all up please!'

The boys stop with what they're doing and gather around the big tabel.

'What's up?' Namjoon asks when his manager gets up to talk.

'I've got news' he says with enthousiasm and a big smile. 'Big news'.

The boys all become more curious by the minute. 'Oke spill it already! Are we going on tour?' Jungkook asks all hyped up. With that being said the youngest one makes the others of the group just as hyped as himself.

'No guys it's a different kind of news.'

By now all of BTS are so agitated they can't handle it anymore, even their mature leader has run out of patience. 'Oke I'm done, please just tell us the news!' Namjoon says standing up from the table with a begging voice.

'Oke I won't keep you guys in tension anymore...a group will be joining our agency!'

The guys look at each other. This is supposed to be the good news?

'Uhm okey fun....' Jimin says a little bit disappointed from the news. He really hoped about going on tour.

'Oh come on guys! It's great news!' their manager Sejin says with a surprised tone because of the boys' reactions.

'hmm do we know this band?' Jungkook asks while bending over the papers that are laying spread on the table.

'I don't think you guys know them, ever heard of the group BlackNote?'' manager Sejin asks full with tension. He just really hopes BTS and the girls of BlackNote will bond and be friends with eachother.

'BlackNote? Are they girls?' Hoseok asks surprised not counting on a girl group to enter an agency with only male trainees.

'Smart remark Hoseok you're right, they are a girl group. They are also really nice and talented'

'You can't be serious!' Yoongi almost yells with his voice full of anger. Everyone in the room, even the boys, get's startled by his heavy reaction.

'Yoongi listen, I get that things are about to change bu-...'

'I still don't agree with this in any way!' Yoongi argues and stands up from his place. 'Suga calm down!' Namjoon says trying to calm down his friend even though he also disagrees with the dicision being made right now.

'No Namjoon! Do you know what this all means? DRAMA and I don't have the need for any kind of drama. We will get negative attention. And we aren't like that! We wan't to gain fans by the fact that they enjoy and appreciate our music and not because there's a rumor about Jungkook having a relationship or that Jimin is good in flirting with those new girls.'

Manager Sejin runs his hand through his hair, defeated by what Yoongi just said. He had a point, that's for sure but those girl really deserve it.

'But why are these girls joining our agency anyway? BigHit isn't a big or famous agency itself either.' Jungkook asks after Yoongi has calmed down.

'These girls have an ever smaller company which can't handle their succes anymor-'

'Wow such a big problem.' Yoongi says sarcastically. 'Let me finish my story please.'

Yoongi rolls his eyes but says quiet. Even though that their managers are making a huge mistake right now, he still has a lot of respect for these people.

'What I was trying to say is that these girls are growing within their succes. They will keep their own manager but are becoming a part of the BigHit Family. And I know that you guys are having trouble with accepting it, but please get to know them and I know for sure it will all turn out good.'

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