The Huntress X Reader

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You had never been this scared before and you were fearing for your life. You were currently hiding under a bed in an abandoned house, trying to keep the person, no, the monster outside from finding you. You thought about how you got yourself in this unfortunate situation.

It had all started out wonderfully. You were always one for traveling and on one of your travels through the USA you met a group of friends on a roadtrip and they soon became your friends as well. Your friendgroup was quite diverse, most of them were from the USA, but there were also a man from England and a guy originally from Asia who currently lives in the USA as well. The group wasn't big, it was just you, Meg, David, Nea and Jake, but you were all very close. It was Nea's idea to go on a trip far away from any of your homes: Russia. David and Meg were all for this plan, but you and Jake had your doubts about it.

"Listen guys, I'm not sure about this." Jake started off, "You know I don't like traveling outside of the USA, let alone outside of North-America." Nea rolled her eyes at Jake's statment: "Come on man, you always leave us hanging when we want to go further than good old America. Why don't you toughen up and come explore the world with us?" Nea diverted her gaze to you "What about you, (Y/N)? You coming or what?". You looked at Nea, Meg and David, you had always wanted to vistit Russia, so what gives? "I'll tag along with you guys" You told your friends with a big smile on your face: this was going to be amazing!

You and your friends immediatly started looking up what to do and got bummed out when you saw all the procedures you had to go through to get to Russia. "We'll get there eventually," you told your friends, "we'll just have to wait." And what a wait it was. It took months to get through the hassle of VISA's and so on. This was gonna take a while...

Finally the moment was there. You were on your flight to Russia and you were all very excited. Jake was at the airport to wave you all goodbye "keep yourselves safe okay? And don't get yourselves killed or something!" You all laughed at Jake's worries and reassured him: "We'll be fine Jake, stop worrying." You all knew that this was going to be an adventure you would never forget: this was going to be fantastic.

Oh how wrong you all were, this would definetly be an unforgettable adventure, but it definetly wasn't fantastic. Things started to go downhill right away when Nea told you she might not have booked a hotel or even a youth hostel when you were stranded in a unknown city in Russia. You all glared at her. "Come on guys, we'll have fun anyway!" The others seemed to think the same, but your gut told you otherwise, you already felt something bad was about to happen.

It even got better when you found ou that you were the only person to take precautions and bring some Russian Rubles. This wouldn't have been a problem, if you hadn't found out in a taxi that was meant to take you to a bigger city. The driver had to kick you all out of the cab, because you were the only one that could pay him and you could only pay him to go to the place you were now in. And you were out of your Rubles. Great. After a quick scan around the area you concluded you guys were in the absolute middle of nowhere. Great. And to put the cherry on top: none of your phones were working. Fantastic. Long live Nea's planning of trips! You made a quick mental note to NEVER let Nea plan a trip again.

After walking what seemed like hours you ended up in an abondoned town. The town wasn't big, but it was scary as all hell, luckily you weren't the only one with this sentiment. Meg spoke up: "Guys, I have a bad feeling about this town, it scares the shit out of me.". You quickly gave her a nod to show her you completely agreed. "Well, I'm sorry Meg, but this'll have to do" David reassured her, but you could see the big rugby player wasn't very comfortable either.

You found an abondoned house that looked mostly intact and went inside. Luckily, Nea knew how to make a fire, or the lot of you would have died from hypothermia that night. The first night went surprisingly well, you all slept good, considering circumstances. The next day you guys decided what to do and you decided to scout the area for signs of life. Meg and David volunteerd immediatly to do the job, Nea would be searching the town for things you could use for the fire and you stayed behind to keep a watch over your belongings.

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