Jake Park X Reader

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You had known Jake Park for quite a while, after all, you two went to school together. You couldn't call eachother friends, you never hung out or actually spoke, but he was one of the people in school you really liked. Jake and you had a certain bond, you could feel it. Whenever something happened, you'd exchange glances and whenever Jake skipped a lesson and you found out, you'd just give him a solemn nod.

The school the two of you went to was very affluent, all rich children from rich parents. Children from wealthy CEO's and the like. Despite both of you going to this school, neither of you really fitted, both with different reasons. You didn't come from a family just as rich as the other students, your father was a succesful pharmacist and made quite some money, just not as much as the surgeons and chief executives. And you could feel it in the way the others acted towards you, they weren't mean, definetly not, they were nice to you. But when it came to paying for meals, treating your friends and the like, they never let you, they would always pay. It was a nice gesture on their part, but it made you feel as if they were sorry for you, while there was nothing to be sorry for!

Jake didn't belong because he just wasn't made for the rich, academic life his father had planned for him. The first time you and Jake met, you could already feel his discomfort for everything to do with maids, money and big businesses. There was so much pressure on Jake to follow up his father's success, you just knew he wouldn't be able to handle it, you knew he was going to break one way or the other.

It didn't come as a surprise to you when Jake didn't turn up to school for a week, you assumed he was coming to terms with himself and with his parents. When he didn't turn up for two weeks, you started to become somewhat worried, he was staying away too long. Normally you were someone to wait and see what was going to happen, but you didn't want to lose Jake. Only now you saw that you cared for the guy. You shrugged off your pride for just this once and texted him. 'Heya Jake, how's it going? Haven't seen you around for a while, you doing okay?'. It took you a while to send the text, but off it went and you were mentally hitting yourself... Who starts a sentence with "heya"? You really had feelings for Jake.

You really started to worry when he didn't answer his phone after three days. So you threw away even more of your pride and decided to ask his older brother where Jake might've gone to. You didn't mind talking to Jake's brother, he was nice, but a little too snobbish to your liking. Luckily, the brother didn't question you interest in Jake and he told you the whole story: Jake had had a row with his father and he completely dropped out of school. He now lived on the edge of the woods in your hometown and he had thrown away his phone all other digital stuff he owned. You thanked the brother for his help, you were very grateful for the fact that he didn't ask any questions, he was a nice man.

You didn't have to think hard about your next move: you were going to look for Jake, you wanted to listen to his story. You understood him, you knew the feeling of not belonging entirely, even though you didn't know what the pressure that Jake must've felt was like. You packed your bag, checking if you had everything for a little survival trip. Warm clothes? Check. Enough water? Check. Lots of food? Double check. The distinctive feeling of butterflies in your stomach? Damn it. Check. After packing everything you bid your parents farewell and you set off on your journey.

Oh boy, did you underestimate this trip. It might have slipped your mind that: one, you didn't know the woods at all, two, you weren't atlethic at all and last, you hadn't the foggiest of where Jake might be. Great! But you stayed determined, you were going to find Jake, even if it would take multiple days. Luckily, it didn't take as long as multiple days, but it took you some hours. You had been cursing your decision and started to think about going back when you found a caravan with light radiating from it, this had to be Jake's new home.

Hesitatio befell you when you stood in front of Jake's caravan, what if he didn't like you? What if you were the last person he wanted to see right now? You sighed and looked at the door before knocking. You heard shuffeling inside and saw the caravan move from the movement inside. Within seconds, Jake stood before you with a face of puzzlement and relief. '(Y/N)? What are you doing here?' he asked. Jake looked at your apparel and laughed 'Why are you dressed as if you're going to climb a mountain?'. You blushed slightly at Jake's words, you might have overdone your clothing, it really did look as if you were going to climb the closest mountain. 

You looked at him for a few seconds before you realised you had to say something back, of course. 'Hi Jake' you started off 'I, uhm, was looking for you. I heard about the row with your dad and I came to see you, to talk to you.' You looked at your feet and didn't notice the smile on Jake's face, 'Come in (Y/N), make yourself at home.'. You smiled and walked into the caravan and looked around, it was very small, Jake wouldn't be able to live very comfortably here. You looked at Jake and said: 'Are you sure about your dicision Jake? Do you really want to live here at the edge of the woods? It might be dangerous.'. Jake smiled at you, 'Trust me (Y/N) I am very sure of my decision. We both know I didn't belong at that school, that I'm not supposed to have an academic study and a succesful life as a CEO. And I am content with that.' He looked out of the small window in the caravan, 'I want to live here, I want to become part of the nature here.'

You nodded along to Jake's words, you understood him, you understood his drive to leave the rich, media-filled world behind. You understood the appeal living in freely in the nature around you, you felt it too, somwhere deep inside you. It had been silent for a couple of seconds and you decided to speak up: 'Jake, listen' you started off, gathering all the courage you had to say what you were about to say, 'I worry a lot about you, okay? And I want to say that I understand it and-' Jake cut you off in the middle of your sentence 'You never belonged either, did you, (Y/N)? We were always somewhat the same, neither of us belong'. You were caught off guard by Jake's words, what did he mean?

'All I want to say is, (Y/N), is that I might want to live in nature, I might want to become a feral part of these woods,' Jake said as he looked at you and he grabbed your hand, 'but I don't want to do it alone. I want to live here with you.' Jake sighed deeply, 'I think I'm in love with you (Y/N), and I do hope you feel the same way.'

You were completely baffled, Jake had just admitted that he was in love with you, what were you to do now? You didn't want to give up school and you family, they were too important for you. But God, did you want to stay here with Jake, you were sure of it now, you were in love with him as well. Your cheeks were a lovely tomato colour when you looked Jake in the eyes and said: 'That sounds lovely, Jake.' You took a hold of Jake's hand, 'But you can't expect me to drop everything and come here.' The look in Jake's eyes nearly killed you, he looked as if he was a toddler whose favourite toy has gone missing. You smiled at Jake and said: 'But don't worry, we can make things work out. We can be together.' 

You took Jake into a warm embrace and held him close to you. 'Thank you, (Y/N), thank you so much.' Jake mumbled into your shoulder, 'We'll make things work'. You let go of eachother and and exchanged looks, just like you used to do in school, 'We'll make things work, Jake' you said, 'We'll make things work'.



So here is the Jake X Reader! Thank you so much for the lovely request! The next stories on my list are a Doctor X Reader and a Doctor X Male!Reader. If you've got requests, please send them in! Oh and if you send in a request, please tell me if you want to mention you!

I hope you guys liked this one, it's not as long as the last one, but heyy. Like I said: I hope you guys like this one! I'm really having a great time writing these reader inserts. Once again: constructive criticism is highly appreciated! So give me tips if you think I can improve in certain areas.

See you guys! ~Mia

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