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Hey guys. I accidentally forgot to mention Liam's and Trevor's last names in Chapter one, but it's Liam Montserrat and Trevor Danger. I also forgot to add the date and location oops. Those are actually pretty important details. I added it in right now. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and here's the second chapter.

By the way, you guys might want to stick around for the next two chapters because it's about to get hella juicy ;)

And don't forget to vote, comment and follow if you like it!


Dylan's POV

September 1, 2018

Los Angeles, California

                   It's 5:30 am and I'm sitting cross-legged on my dinner table staring at my laptop screen. I tried to focus on the Wikipedia article I pulled up on my laptop talking about the "crime hotspot of America," but it was too early to focus on anything. It was apparent that I wouldn't be able to get any work done, so I figured I'd just let my thoughts take over.

Quadret City, also known as "crime hotspot of America," was the location of my newest upcoming movie. My mom claimed that this was going to be my "big break," since I had only been cast as a few minor roles in some small budget movies so far. I guess that's the reason why my mom even agreed to let me take the role since, in past, she had made sure I stayed away from New York like my life depended on it. We live in California, all the way across the country from New York. I wanted to know why she hated the place so much, but I knew she didn't want to talk about it so I didn't push it.

But it was also partly because I hated speaking to her.

I would like to say that I love acting, and pretending to be a spoiled prick, but I don't. If I were to ever pick my own career, I would've stayed away from anything acting-related with a 30-foot pole made with satan's bones. However, my mom had always wanted to be a famous actress, but that didn't work out for her, so she decided on the next best thing and threw me into the loony bin. Never once did she consider the fact that I have should have a say in who I become as well.

Never once did she give me a chance to be normal and make friends outside of acting camps and after-school acting workshops taught by someone who looked like a reject for an American Idol judge.

But they weren't even after-school activities because she got me homeschooled after 9th grade. A decent education was too distracting I guess. I never got to make real friends the normal way. I spent countless summers staring through the window at the kids hanging out together and laughing and stuff, while I sat on my king sized bed with silk sheets in my 360 square foot bedroom, all alone.

I didn't see the point in having so much when you couldn't share it with anyone. I haven't had any friends since 9th grade, but even then, my friendships weren't so great. My mom said people didn't like me because I had so much money and potential, and I believed her. I knew I had more money and I knew that made me different, but why should that define my character? I've met enough people who let their wealth define them to know I wasn't one of them.

I knew I was privileged. I was a 6ft tall white boy living in 1st world country with more money than necessary. I liked to think my problems were relevant, but it just took one look at the world news section in The Washington Post to prove me wrong. But the sad thing was, even 1st world countries like the United States had a shitload of crimes going on. Just visit Quadret City and you'll know.

Murders, fights, and drugs were just the beginning of it. The most recent case I heard was a suicide. I don't remember the girl's name, but I remember her being a medical student at Columbia who offed herself by jumping off a building. The thing I found interesting when I saw it on the news was the fact that she didn't even live in Quadret City, she just chose that place to be the last city she stepped on before hell. Instead, she lives in Upper Manhattan, which is where her campus is.

I tried to feel bad about the situation but unfortunately, I saw it differently than most people. She just another girl who couldn't solve her problems so she chose the easy way out. That was harsh, but I could never imagine what would cause a girl like her to do something like that. She went to Columbia, her parents were rich, she was engaged, and her friend nearly smashed their goddamn head into a wall when they heard the news.

Having a family member commit suicide isn't something most people can empathize with, and I hope to god that they won't ever be able to either. Can't say the same for me though. But that's something I'd rather not think about, even at this late at night.

I focused my eyes on my laptop again. 5% battery left. Well no more research for me tonight I guess. I plugged in my laptop and made my way towards my bed. These were the last few days before I leave for Quadret City and I couldn't be more nervous. This movie, if it was really all that my mom thinks it's going to be, will be a huge step forward in my career - and I can't mess it up. My mom won't stand it. There really is no other option for me anymore, it's either the script or the streets. So to say I'm nervous wouldn't even be the beginning of it.

I decided to put my thoughts aside for tonight and actually focus on sleeping as I slid into my bed. And that's when my phone started ringing quite obnoxiously. God forbid I close my eyes for one second. I look at the Caller ID and it's Sebastian Press, one of my only friends. He is actually the son of one of the movie directors. He works on the set as the makeup artist. It's weird for him to call at this time but, it's probably because of his anxiety issues. I mean I don't blame him, if I was gay and my dad was as homophobic and his dad, I'd have problems sleeping too.

But this clearly wasn't about his closet issues. This was the beginning of the most defining moment of my entire freaking existence.

"Hey," I said.

"SHIT!," He yelled. "I need to fucking tell you right now. I cannot keep it in anymore. I'm scared they're going to kill my dad Dylan. We cannot fucking go to Quadret City. The Demeans found out we are going and they want their goddamn money back. Holy shit I should not be telling you this my dad will fucking shoot me."

"Whoa whoa whoa, Sebastian calm down. What's going on? Who are The Demeans? And what are you talking about? What money" I asked him. I think it's safe to say I was extremely confused at this point. I heard Sebastian start to sob on the other end and that's when I got really scared. I've seen Sebastian cry like once before so this was pretty rare.

"I'm sorry Dylan," he said. "I can't tell you. Just sleep and don't worry. I'll take care of it." Before I could say anything else, he hung up. He had stopped crying midway through his sentence and now there was no emotion in his voice. All I heard was this eerie voice of a man filled with determination. I had no idea who the Demeans were or why Sebastian was so scared of them, but I knew my friend. And right now, he was up to no good.

I jumped out of my bed and soon enough I was on the highway 3 mins from Sebastian's house.

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