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Chapter 8: Dylan's POV

September 1, 2018

Los Angeles, California

I reached Sebastian's house just in time to see the car leave his driveway. The Presses, Sebastian's family, are quite rich. In fact, extremely rich. Like, they have about 7 cars rich. But Sebastian always liked this one 2011 Honda Civic that he named Bowie, and basically went everywhere with it. But today, the car I saw leaving was an Audi and instantly, a thought crossed my mind saying it was not my best friend inside that car. But it had to be, although I had no idea why he would replace Bowie with this car.

Is he trying to protect Bowie?

Regardless, I followed Sebastian's lead and continued the same route he was going. I was just getting my phone out to call him when I noticed his car subtlety tilting to the shoulder and slowing down to a stop. I did the same, before sprinting out my car to go knock on Sebastian's window. He pulled it down.

"Come inside," he said. I instantly noticed his suspiciously red eyes and rough voice. Not to mention, the smell of some fresh indo that flooded through the window as soon as he pulled the window down.

Sebastian was high.

At first, I was taken aback. Like, I was really shocked. The memory from a years ago when Sebastian refused to smoke a blunt with us at some bar suddenly came to mind. Sebastian would not get high unless he was forced to or unless he was dying. What the hell was going on?

I think Sebastian could notice that split moment of confusion flash in my eyes as I stood up straight by his car, he chose not to address it. However, I quickly recollected myself and walked to the other side of the car before opening the door and sitting down on the passenger seat. I was immediately welcomed by the intense smell of organic marijuana.

"What's going on Sebastian?" I asked him, looking forward.

"Yeah ok I'll tell you. I got nothing to lose honestly," Sebastian said, pressing his index and middle fingers on the side of head as he leaned sideways on his window, which he pulled up after I sat down. He was eerily calm and it was starting to frighten me.

"But don't interrupt me if you have questions because you will have a lot of those." He looked at me. "Just listen."

"Speak," I said, looking back at him and noticing for the first time the silver bong on his lap.

He tilted his head so he faced the window, away from my sight. Then he leaned back on his seat and finally started:

"1970. My grandfather, Patrick Press, and two of his colleagues - David Gwen and George Brace I think - got in a hell lot of trouble with this group of guys. Bad guys. They called themselves the Ringleaders. I am not a hundred percent positive, but I'm pretty sure the Ringleader's deal was they helped illegal immigrants cross the border with the help of some disgusting unrespectable assholes in Congress, the White House, and other influential, fake, politicians. They profited a lot of money through their work, but my grandfather was completely against it. You know how conservative my family is Dylan. I do. I'm gay. Anyways. My grandfather wasn't completely innocent either though. Him and his two friends had managed to establish some sort of hush hush reputation in the White House as well. I have no idea what they helped with but they helped the Republicans get their way. Like a lot. And I don't know how or why so don't ask. But over time, the Ringleaders faded and soon enough they only consisted of about three guys - Eric Demean, Arthur Blank, and Vince Danger. And soon enough my grandfather and his friends were starting to be known as the Insiders by the people who knew of them. The Insiders and the Ringleaders were not friends. In fact, they were basically enemies. But they both had dirt on each other and came to some sort of agreement to not mess with each other in order to maintain peace. So for about 6 years, they had managed to somewhat not get in each other's ways. Well, obviously there were some disagreements, but nothing too major. Until 1975. My grandfather broke the peace. Really bad. The Ringleaders contacted the Insiders and explained how they were tired of the illegal immigration and just wanted to end it before it gets too bad. They had even decided to flee the country in order to not risk exposement. The Insiders pretended to respect their decision and promised to not do anything, but they did. They were greedy and as soon as the Ringleaders put down their guard down, the Insiders attacked and stole all the money from them. The Ringleaders threatened to expose them, but by now they had already burnt down all their bridges and didn't have any money or evidence. They couldn't do anything. They couldn't even flee the country. They were helpless. They were angry. And for 27 years they remained angry. Then 2002 came. The Insiders and Ringleaders had both managed to stay hidden in the media, disguised as newspaper companies and movie production companies. Companies that still exist. Companies that we work in. Rick Danger, the son of Vince Danger, one of the original Ringleaders, attempted to threaten to unveil the truth and published several articles in local newspapers. 5 days later, he was killed."

Sebastian's head dropped as he said the last sentence. "He had a son. And a family."

Sebastian paused for a while before turning his head back around and looking at me, with that same distant look he had before. I couldn't tell what Sebastian was thinking, and it bothered me.

"And now they're back for revenge. They're gonna come after each and every single one of the original Insiders. They already killed Ashley Brace, George Brace's granddaughter, and made it look like a suicide. They want an eye for a an eye Dylan. And they're gonna get it. The Dangers were already living in Quadret City, and now the Demeans are moving there too. If we go there for this movie, Dylan, the Presses are next."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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