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The warmth of the early summer sun beat down on my back as I made my way to the vinyl shop, my longboard gliding over the concrete beneath me.

It was just like any other Saturday; I decided to go spend my small sum of money on another record, nothing new about that. I was seventeen years old and I still had no car, only my skate board. That was probably because all of my money was spent on petty things such as music or sketch pads.

I didn't mind, However. I enjoyed my skateboard, and I enjoyed my music and my cheap art supplies. If you don't like what you do or what you have, then What's the point of even having it? I didn't want a car, or a big house, or even a proper easel and canvas. I liked what I had.

As I approached the small shop on the corner, I slid to a hault, a small shower of gravel clouding around my feet. With a smirk, I popped my longboard up and held it to my side, pleased with my speedy arrival.

I opened the door to the shop, the rusted bells on the door rattling as I did so. My eyes scan the room to find the usual; dimmed lights, dusty shelves, and no people; just how I liked it. I pulled a clump of money out of my pockets, a few coins slipping out as well. I counted the crumpled bills and quarters of which added up to a sum of $22.50.

With a sigh, I threw my backpack over my shoulder and stuffed the money back in my pocket.

The only sound to be heard in the quaint shop was the sound of my footsteps against the old wooden floor. It was a spooking yet comforting song.

Considering the fact that I knew that no one was around, I decided it would be okay to sing. As I walked through aisle after aisle my voice rose until I was singing the lyrics to my favorite songs at a reasonable volume. The words to "zoom" by The Last Dinosaurs filled the shop, probably audible from miles away. I knew the cashier, Calum, wouldn't mind. He's heard me sing thousands of times, and he doesn't seem to care a bit.

I thumbed through the records, each artist and album familiar to my mind. It was honestly quite a struggle to find something I was willing to buy, especially considering the fact that I was practically throwing my money away by spending it on music.

I let my voice drift into a soft hum as I searched for an item, not truly caring if cal heard me.

I finally found a section I was interested in whenever I was suddenly interrupted.

"Hey. " I suddenly heard a deep voice say directly behind me, silencing my singing. I jumped, startled by the sudden interaction, stumbling backwards into another stack of records.

I felt a small pain in my side once I realized I had backed into something, but I tried not to look too uncomfortable. I felt my mouth become dry with my nervousness. "I uh.. hey. " I breathed out as I smiled lightly, averting my attention to the ground. My eyes set on the pair of black vans in front of me- the ones that perfectly matched mine.

I now sat in a pile of dust and vinyl. Of course this was my luck. I attempted to wave the dust out of my face but instead let out a loud fit of coughs, embarrassing myself even more. A small laugh escaped the guys lips, and I looked up to meet his gaze. I was greeted with a pair of beautiful blue eyes- the kind of eyes that tell a story just by being looked into. He reached his hand out to me and i gladly took it, letting him pull me back to my feet. I felt myself begin to blush, embarrassed that I has goofed off once again in front of a reasonably attractive person.

We sat for a few seconds in an odd silence until I tried to squeeze past him, only attempting to escape the awkward situation, but was stopped by his hands grabbing my shoulders. My breath caught in my throat. I wasn't too comfortable being touched by someone I didn't even know. He let go of me, one hand running through his fluffy, blonde hair.

I think he could tell that I had been startled by his touch, because when our eyes finally met he apologized with a sheepish smile, his gaze shifting to my shirt.

I watched as he held his lip ring between his teeth just before he spoke. "I wanted to ask where you got that. " he said, his smile becoming present again. I looked down at my shirt which displayed the name of one of my favorite bands, Youth Lagoon. I smiled up at him, suddenly noticing his ripped t-shirt as well.

"I like yours too..." I began, raising my finger tips to drag over the holes. I felt him tense under my fingers and I pulled them away quickly, a slow blush spreading to my cheeks. He finally let out an awkward laugh, an attempt to end the uncomfortable moment.

"Yeah, I really like Nirvana. " he smiled widely, his teeth once again toying with his shiny, black lip ring. I rocked back and forth on my heels, thinking of something to say. "Did it come with the holes?" I asked with a small laugh, watching as he peered down at his shirt, obviously forgetting that the holes were there in the first place.

"Oh these?" He sighed, hooking his finger in one of the small rips. "My friend Ashton did it for me. " he chuckled, walking up beside me rather than in front of me. He slowly searched through album after album, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly agape. I raised an eyebrow, confused as to why you would intentionally destroy a shirt.

He clearly felt me staring, because he suddenly turned to face me once again. "What?" He asked, a small half smile playing at his lips.

"Why would you rip a shirt?" My voice shook with my laughter. I tried to muffle the loud sounds of my laugh with my hands but I didn't succeed.

The boy faced me fully, a silly expression on his face. "I could ask the same about your pants, actually. " he laughed, pointing down to my ripped skinny jeans.

I rolled my eyes. "This was by accident. " I giggled, pointing to my long board which was leaned up against the far wall. "I fell, stupid. "

He laughed, throwing his hands up in defense. "I'm stupid?" He asked, almost sounding serious.

I nodded my head, trying not to laugh.

"Says the girl who fell off of her skateboard. " he grinned, a cocky expression on his face. I watched as he crossed his arms, leaning against a shelf beside him.

I chuckled, turning my back to him. "Whatever. " I mumbled over my back, a smile on my lips.

I grabbed the record I was previously considering to purchase, making my way to the front desk. I suddenly heard loud foot steps behind me, and knew I was in for more. "Let me buy that for you. " the boy said, grabbing the album.

I reached for it again, taking it back. "No. " I smiled, watching as he did the same, placing his hands on the record as well.

He pulled the album towards his chest.

"Yes. "

"No. "



He rolled his eyes, letting go of the large disc, a hand running through his hair. "Fine. But I'm buying lunch. "

I raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously. "Lunch?" I questioned, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "I don't even know your name. "

He rolled his eyes slightly. "It's Luke. And do you like Italian or chinese?"

So yeah. This is my new fanfic " love on vinyl. " This is unedited, so I'm sorry if there are any typos. Please comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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