Chapter Thirteen

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Calex wanders in his mother's last words; Araine remains entrapped by her fears; both unknowing of the war about to rage in the streets, caused by the very people they had aspired to save. Now, they save themselves, through the worst means: death, destruction, and with a vengeance untempered.

In the middle of the maelstrom is Annora, her innocence fading but hope still held true. She resides in the ringmaster's home, still hidden in a room on the far side of the building, being treated like a noble's daughter rather than a young girl about to be sold into prostitution. Ondine lies on a blanket on the floor to one side of the girl's bed, Annora believing he was brought here to be treated under her watchful eye. In reality, Master knows he won't make an escape with her so close, and it's impossible for him to leave with the girl. Another punishment for his disobedience, aside from the wounds left from Calex's attempted murder.

Vaughen watches over both of them, just in case. He and Annora have already bonded from long ago, helping him see the light in the dark path he walks in life. By default, the two boys have bonded through the young girl, conspiring to ensure she's happy in this bleak situation.

Today, the trio sit on the floor, the older boys playing along with some odd role-playing game the young girl concocted to waste the long day away. Vaughen is 'Da' and Annora 'Ma' with Ondine as their 'baby', the eldest boy trying hard not to laugh at the younger one as he's pampered and chastised like an overgrown infant.

Annora is hand-feeding Ondine bits of bread and milk when the ringmaster opens the door without knocking, looming over the children with a twisted smile on his face. The room falls silent spare the slight shuffle of the trio rising to their feet, Ondine needing assistance still. The girl huddles behind the boys who stand shoulder to shoulder, shielding her without realizing it, as Master clasps his hands behind his back, smug.

“It seems your friends have disappeared, little Annora,” he begins, successfully awarding a fearful expression from the girl. “They hadn't enough to win you, so you'll be staying with me indefinitely.” Her hands clutch at the back of Vaughen's shirt, balling the fabric in an attempt to steel her nerves. She should know better by now than to believe anything this man says. “Come here, sweetheart.” He reaches a hand towards her, beckoning, but she doesn't move. “I said come, Annora. You're being to the girls' room.” She buries her face into Vaughen's side, furiously shaking her head and refusing to move. “Annora,” hints of anger his voice, and Vaughen wraps an arm around the girl to protect her. “Annora, we have to go there to get you ready. You have a date in the morning. Come. Now.”

He steps further into the room, but Ondine steps forward as well, standing between him and the others. The ringmaster glares coldly, arm raising to strike, but hesitates at Vaughen's request. “Master, sir? May I speak?” Despite the submissive phrasing, his voice is as strong as his hold on the girl. Curious, Master nods, arm lowering, and the boy continues. “I can take her there and get her ready, for you, sir. She'll be ready by the morning, I swear. May I, sir? She won't be a problem.”

Everyone stills, gauging each other for a moment, until Master smiles. “Certainly, Vaughen.” He turns to leave, but before the others can relax, he stops in the doorway and says over his shoulder, “But remember that if she isn't, it will be both you and her that will be punished. I'm sure her date won't mind some breaks in his little girl. Actually,” he chuckles, “if I recall correctly, that's what he prefers.”

The door closes quietly, and Annora bursts into sobs, weakly hitting Vaughen as he holds her close. “Don't,” she cries shakily, “Don't do this, please? You're my big brother! Don't you hurt me, too -”

Vaughen falls to his knees, wrapping both arms around her. She naturally falls into him, curled up and seeking comfort. He talks into her hair, stroking her back that jerks with sobs. “I didn't mean it. I'm not going to let that happen to you. We're going to find a way out of here. We're going to stop this. I would never do that to you, Annora. Never. Ondine would bust my head open if I even thought about it.”

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