Chapter 6: Evil Strikes Back

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"And back to the story folks, but before then it's time for another girl who didn't make it. Since I didn't have much of an intro...I thought to do this. So continuing with the six DLC girls, let's review. You all know Marvelous and the Young Falcom. There's Cyberconnect2 who got a small role and I spoke of for the remaining two, who didn't make it for rather good reason. The first is Mages"

"Mages is a sort of Magical scientist, who would like to experiment on new things. The reason she didn't make it...was due to her speech. MAGES had a very refined way of speaking and the author felt he couldn't do her justice so left her out. The last girl will be the end or the next chapter. So back to the story. So Neptune had made it home with Terra and Nepgear left behind. They were met with Arfoire...only to be met with an older Neptune. We continue with the group at the main-camp in a tent"

The Bigger Neptune was busy eating away as the little bugs were giving her it. Nepgear and Terra just watched the bowls pile it "this...might explain how she got so big" said Terra "I mean she's taller than us"

"Not even my Neptune eats this much" said Nepgear to which Neptune make a big sigh

"Ahh...oh and the fuel tank is all full" Neptune said happily "Thanks guys and gals...much appreciated"

"It's no did save us after all" said Uzume nodding happily

"Still it's a surprise to see a Neptune, both a late teen" said Terra "and a human one. So mentioned before you come from another world? Why did you come to this one?"

"I sorta didn't...if that helps"

Neptune groaned "Let's just Crostie gets easily bored and half of the time she just goes where she wants"

"Wait...this Crostie brought you here?" asked Uzume "How did she manage that?"

"Oh Crostie is a little special...she has this wicked power that lets her go between worlds and dimensions" immediately Terra and Nepgear perked up

"Wait...Neptune just to clarify" said Terra "You said Crostie can travel between dimensions, is that really true?"

"You else did my adorable self get here?" both looked between each other

"Say Neptune, do you think this Crostie could get us home?" asked Nepgear "you see we're not from this dimension either"

"I don't see why not" said Neptune "I can be very persuasive"

All of them now saw a glimmer of hope "So Big Nepsy...if we help you find Crostie could you help these two get home?"

"I don't see why not" said Neptune smiling and nodding "You'll have to help me find her first" Terra and Nepgear cheered a little

"Well what's this Crostie look like?" asked Terra "And is Crostie her name or a nickname? For you tend to do that"

"Well...Crostie's actually name is Croire but her nickname is much cuter. She's rather small, tomboyish with butterfly wings and flys on a book"

"Why...does that sound like Histoire?" Asked Nepgear "I mean even the name is a giveaway"

"Still...we'll take what we can get" said Terra "For now we should look for her for my one worry is Croire could easily get herself away"

"That's one worry I'll relieve"

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