Intermission 2

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Terra got up in a room full of white beds, one of which occupied...though the bed itself was a bit different. The bed was in a plastic enclosed space with restraints on the bed "'re awake now" he saw the Captain sat on an Adjacent bed "Good morning"

"Captain...what...what happened?" asked Terra holding his head as she sat up

"How much do you remember?"

"Cassidy...going...all big, I got a sword and...and...that's all" the Captain looked sad or scared "Captain?" she then hugged him to his oddity

"Thank goodness you're alright"

"Why...wouldn't I be? I mean I only fell asleep"

"For a month!" 

Terra recoiled a bit "I've been...asleep a month! What the?"

"To put it more precisely you've been out cold for 26 days" said Captain "look we even got worried" Terra saw he had a drip attached to his arm and a heart monitor attached by a cable over his middle finger "Are you sure you're alright, hold on?" Captain removed the apparatus letting Terra stand.

Terra legs were very woozy, resulting him in falling a few times as his muscles adjusted to his weight while he flexed his arms "My head is a bit light and my arm is tingly but otherwise fine" The Captain sighed so greatly she fell onto the other bed "What's going on? Seriously?"

"----" his name was oddly silent or went unheard "Well...let's just say the project is now counting its blessings. A few things have happened while you've been sleeping" she said coming up to a sitting position "Some good, some bad, some terrible...and one...worrying"

"Start with the best and go down" 

The Captain smiled "Well...I know this might sound egoistic but you're the good news. You were able to not only successfully intake the power...but even wield it" the Captain concentrated hard, looking to exert herself as a double sided glaive formed in hand


"All those who take part in project Divine Machina can wield a weapon...or at least that's how it's meant to go" she sighed "I can summon my can you"

"Wait...can I?"

"Good point. Right hand out...and really concentrate on summoning it" Terra shut his eyes...and focused feeling something very odd inside of him.

Terra exerted a lot of pressure, his face gritted and sweating forming as he held out his hand...until he summoned forth his weapon "Whoa...whoa, whoa!" the weapon though was surprisingly heavy as it near felled him over

"You can wield a weapon...a broad sword" replied the Captain as the weapon was mostly blue with the middle yellow. The blade was 7ft long and 2ft wide "This is most excellent news"

"Why's that? I bet the other two girls could do it" he saw her fallen expression "They can't?"

"At this point...only you and I can wield a weapon. The other girls can't" 

Terra sat back down on the bed, vanishing the weapon "Well now the bad news please?" asked Terra

"Well...let's just say" said the Captain "there' not many of us left now. The truth is out of what happened to Cassidy. It seems...what none of us were told was that the Soul Ascension...has a chance to mutate the users body, to that of a hideous monster so as you can imagine...they left

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