Arc 3 - Chapter 8: (Hyper) Two-Pronged Assault

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"Right then folks...on with the show, it's me your adorable goddess Neptune with nutritional news that'll massage your grey matters. So as our beloved narrator mentioned, in the video game – that is at this junction 0 the player would diverge into one of two different routes. The Hyper Route in which they would help Nep Jnr and friends, with Gold Third in the HyperDimension or the Heart Route where the player would join me, Blanc, Vert, Noire and Uzume in the Heart Dimension. There's no real alternate ending, they both come to the same point. For this glorious retelling it's the Hyper Route first. But before's time to journey to the land between mind and reality, or is it mind and dream? Dream and Reality? Whatever, roll film"

Terra was once in the crimson room, Igor with his usual grin before he sounding pleased "Greetings to you...candidate to the lost land. You return with memory restored, that is of your former life, and have now found a place you can call home. You were tricked by those you wished to serve, left behind by your Goddess, betrayed and to a degree manipulated by the people...only to be sealed away and forgotten to all but one. You emerged, with no home, family or name...and now you walk into the light, the hands of your comrades guiding you along" 

Terra then frowned "Forgotten to all but one? You refer to Uzume...or Kurome don't you?"

"Indeed" said Igor "You've seen for yourself...the fallen Goddess of Planeptune used every effort to ascertain your location but sadly due to time and many other factors followed the similar fate to you"

"One thing...bugs me about Kurome though and I can't figure it out yet"

"Then care to share?"

"Kurome feels the same as Uzume but also yet much different. I understand that Kurome split from Uzume, or vice versa, but the way she retold the events before Kurome was sealed away...don't quite match with the memory I saw" Igor laughed to himself "Huh?"

"In a strange twist of fate, just as the Fallen Goddess could see your memory...what she failed to realise is once a door is can be opened both ways. The Heart Dimension projects the memories of those who reside there, and as you know Heart Dimension is a reflection of the soul of the Goddess, meaning her memories resides there like fish in the grand sea"

Igor pointed to Terra "Though this is not entirely accurate, you were the primary bond to her and whom trusts you dearly and as a result you pushed open the door that she used to gaze your memories, allowing you to see hers"

"That explains it...but not quite what happened" said Terra thinking "To make her divert so badly"

"The Answers do actually lie before you, or rather the hints and it's here I'll tell you as a reward for your efforts. The Fallen Goddess was a young ruler, in a world that was growing fond of the CPUs. The people though were too young so expectations for what a CPU was meant to be...were vague like fog"

"I can...agree with that"

"The answer came in Uzume Tennouboshi, a bright girl made by the faith of the masses...but with a power by the very same masses. There doubts and disbelief fashioned Illusory power"

"Illusory Power?"

"This girl could, in a matter of speaking, slightly manipulate the very laws of nature and influence certain and mostly small things around her. You've seen evidence of this thus far"

Terra thought to the coincidences and changes Uzume made "I imagine though that it wasn't that easy" said Terra "Zero Dimension is an off-shoot of Uzume's soul so it's almost like a lucid dream that Uzume could control"

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