Chapter 3: Dance

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Hey guys! This chapter is dedicated to another one of my friends Adrianareader22. She’s great! She’s the one who bugged me until I finally gave in and posted Parallel Worlds Collide so a huge thank you is in order! On another matter, I’m sorry about this chapter and any mistakes. I know it’s poorly written thanks to my writer’s block and the lack of editing but please bear with me! Also I to those who read the first chapter before I uploaded this there are some things that will seem repeated or not make sense but it’s because I went back and changed a couple of things. Nothing huge so you don’t have to go back but I’m just warning you so you don’t get too confused.  Another quick thing! What do you think of the chapter names so far? Should I keep them up or should I stop using them for now? Let me know! Again thank you to all my readers and voters for the support! Enjoy!

 Ps: For anyone who wanted to know the song that Blaine dances to it's on the side bar!


How long have I been in this storm?” The slow and steady melody of the music cued Blaine to start moving but he almost missed it. Michelle’s eyes had too many familiar emotions. He wondered what her story was but he knew he couldn’t just ask. They had just met.

Instead Blaine let himself express his own feelings into his movements.  The music was slow but it required controlled movements and raw emotions. Blaine had choreographed it that way so that whoever was watching could grasp the whole story, feel everything the music and dance wanted to say as he leaped and turned across the room.

First he started on the floor and then slowly worked his way to a standing position. From there he would do twists and jumps, land on the floor only to fall down again. He did this all across the room.  Each time he fell to the floor he would think about the times his father came home drunk after his mother left. He thought about the time Roderick would he would beat him for stupid reason and how he still lived in the same house just so he could protect his little sister.

 Michelle got lost not only on the dancing but on the memories it brought. She felt almost as if he was describing her life, hopeless.

With one final leap that continued into a turn, Blaine landed back in his starting position. He panted heavily in fatigue.  He had poured all his emotions into the dance, letting him get carried away with the feeling of being able to move freely. It had been a while he had felt so emotionally attached to a piece but he loved it.

Michelle still stood silently in the corner of the room staring at Blaine in deep though. She had dried her tears before Blaine had noticed them but he saw her bloodshot eyes. He didn’t know whether to be happy or sad because he didn’t know why she was crying. He hoped it had been because she liked his choreography.

A moment of silence passed between Michelle and Blaine as their eyes found each other’s once again. Manny feelings flitted through both of them, each of them fighting their emotions, neither one of them wanting to be the first one to break the silence.

After a couple of minutes though Michelle knew she couldn’t delay saying something any longer.

“That was amazing” she quietly said, her voice slightly breaking before continuing.  “I really loved it.” A smile slowly overtook Blaine’s face.

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