Chapter 1 - A life Without Arms

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Damn it!

I crawled over to the wall of the building, sliding my back up against it in an attempt to maneuver myself up.

Having no arms in use was difficult, especially since I have fleas like Izaya to push around. I can't do much of that anymore until they heal. Damn, I can't wait that long!

"Next time I see him, he's dead."

I mumbled silently to myself, drifting off a bit as I continued to put pressure against the rusted building. After long efforts and exhaustion, I managed to stand up.

I need to get to Tom. He's probably expecting me. Except, the wisest idea would be to get bandaged up by Shinra before meeting with him. I'd hate for him to see me in a state like this. But I can't go to Shinra. Izaya's most likely already at Shinras, waiting for me to arrive to mock me once more and scater off again. I can't see him right now, not after this injury. It's best for me to get to the apartment and rest it out.

I dragged one leg after another. My legs weren't in the best shape, either.

"I should call a cab, but how can I? I'll have to use my feet I guess."

I briefly spoke to myself as I allowed my legs to fall to the ground, grunts of pain enchoeing between my teeth as I reached back to the ground where I momentarily was.

What a pain, and after all this effort just getting on my feet too. And now I'm back sitting on this cold pavement.  It can't really be helped, though. I need to contact a cab and then contact Tom afterwards and my feet is my only current option.

I tightly gripped my toes against the top of my left sock, thrusting in a downward motion to remove it. I continued to repeat the same on my other side until both socks were removed. Where did my shoes end up after I fell anyways? Maybe someone took them from me while I was semi- unconscious. I dragged my entire body just enough to reach my phone a couple distance away. It was surprisingly in good shape, except for the few minor scratches shown. For a fall like that, it's odd that it wasn't in a million pieces.

I bashed my toe nails against the small keyboard infront of me. Multiple struggles later, I heard the number dial to a cab driver. His voice spoke up hesitantly after mine, as if he was scared. I suppose he recognized my voice. I quickly gave him my address and told him to hurry in urgence before hanging up.


Sluggishly moving my legs, I stepped out of the car and signaled the cab driver off. As I arrived, a small lady assisted me up the elevator all the way until my apartment door.

"I appreciate it."

I said in a tune of exhaustion. She smiled and turned her head slightly, nodding at me politely before walking off.

I'll be needing a new door after this. My key was in my pocket.It's basically useless to me in my state.

I took myself back a couple steps before hurdling my body into the door. An air drifted past me as the door fell to the ground.

"Damn, this is awful."

An intense vibration lingering from the fallen door caused a rolling shiver throughout my body. I stepped over the broken door and let out a soft sigh, gradually advancing to the nearest couch in my apartment. A strong anger began to arise once the thought of Izaya came to mind. He's the reason why I'm in this poor state!

"I'll cut that bastard!"

I loudly shrieked, allowing my body to fall comfortably onto the couch. My eyes progressively closing once the anger in my body began to dilute. I need sleep, but sleeping under this condition will be troublesome, mainly due to this consistent pain found in my arms. I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm hopeless.

"Hey! Shizu Chan that's my line." A cocky familiar voice spoke from above me. My eyes widened. Anger and confusion mixing within me. It was Izaya.


Sorry it was quite short and somewhat boring. I've been busy lately so updating may come late sometimes. Next chapter there might be some intimate Yaoi so be prepared and get excited! See y'all. Hehe.

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