Chapter 12: Premiere Night

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The night of the premiere showed up so quickly, I was so ready to be there already. All 5 of us girls met in Dove's trailer in the afternoon to start getting ready. We had music going while hair and makeup was being done. Singing at the tops of our lungs was happening along with dancing and giggling. Once the other girl's hair and makeup was finished, they turned to me for my turn. "Okay Madison your turn." Sofia said. They all took turns doing my makeup, hair, fingernails and toenails. "So how are things with you and Booboo?" Dianne asked me. "Things are really good." I told him feeling a giggle come on. "Whats it like sharing a trailer with him?" Chyna asked. "Its so wierd, he is so neat unlike a typical guy." I replied. "Well that's good but onto a more serious question." Dove said. "What's that?" I asked feeling my heart start to race. "Have you guys done anything?" She asked me going red. "Besides make out, no we are taking it slow but I hope tonight is the night he says "I love you." I replied. "Thats good that you are taking it slow, but seriously he hasnt said it yet?" Chyna asked. "No I know he wants to say it but he never gets it out." I replied. "Hes probably just nervous, Thomas was the same way but now we say it all the time." Dove told me. "Well let's hope it's tonight." I replied. We all talked while still getting ready even about his ex. "She was so upset when they broke up." Dianne told me. "Why did they breakup?" I asked her. "Well for one he fell in love with you and two they just had issues." She replied. "She seems to hate me, I saw the way she looked at me when we filmed the kissing scene." I told them. "Well you are with her man now." Sofia replied. "Don't worry she won't bother you but if she does we will take care of her." Chyna said punching her hand. Once everything was finished, we went to get our dresses, shoes and accessories on and met back in the front of the trailer. "Selfie time." Dove said pulling out her phone. Selfies were took on each other's phone and some of course were deleted. "The guys will meet us there." Sofia told us reading Camerons text message. We all headed out the door ready for the big night. I could tell we were there because paparazzi and fans surrounded our limo like a flock of birds surrounding an animal's dead body. I took a deep breath and followed them out the door to the sounds of cameras clicking and fans screaming. Paparazzi took a ton of photos of just me and all 5 of us together. I could see the guys at the entrance to the premire waiting for us. When Cameron saw me, he told Booboo something and pointed at me. It was like slow motion for him to turn around to see me but when he saw me his reaction was priceless. He had the most surprised look on his face that turned into a huge smile that made his eyes twinkle. He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a bowtie to match my dress and his hair was down at his shoulders. He walked over to me and could not stop smiling.  "You look so beautiful like a princess, my princess." He told me kissing my forehead. "You look so handsome my prince." I replied putting my hand to my mouth to catch my giggle. I could see everyone looking at us with smiles and mushy faces. He looked down at me and grabbed my hand to hold it. "Booboo Madison over here." The paparazzi shouted at us taking pictures. "I just wanted to say that these past few months have been so perfect, and that I wouldn't want to be with anyone else because you make me so incredibly happy." He told me. "I feel the exact same way and always will no matter what." I replied feeling his arm around mine looking into his eyes. "I've been waiting to tell you this for awhile but never found the right way to say it, I love you." He told me. In my head I was screaming "FINALLY!" "I love you too." I replied giving him a hug. He broke the hug off and brushed his lips against mine. Camera clicked all around but I ignored them because this moment I wanted to remember forever. We walked over to the group to go inside for the premiere of Descendants 3 along with fans. Tracey got up to thank everyone for coming and for all of us who made the movie happen. She sat back down, and the lights went down as the movie started. I felt Booboo grab my hand, and I laid my head on his shoulder. I peeked a look at Dove and Thomas who were doing the same thing. She looked at me smiling amd turned her attention back to the movie as I did the same. I couldnt believe that the film already over, I was nervous about what will happen with Booboo and I once my life goes back to normal.

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