Chapter 2

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The toys were having a conversation about moving to the attic cause Andy is now 17 and he's going to college, as the toys were packing their stuff, Woody went on the dresser, looking at the picture of Andy when he was kid

"You guarantee it, huh?" Buzz said as he came to Woody

"I don't know, Buzz" Woody said "what else could I say?"

"Well, whatever happens at least we'll all be together" Buzz said

"For infinity and beyond" Woody said

Then the wind came, the light appeared on the bed, making everyone stopped what they were doing, noticed the light and saw Grace came out and the light disappeared

"Grace?" Woody said when he jumped over to the bed "Grace!"

Grace gasped and turned and saw Woody running to her

"Woody!" Grace said as he picked her up, hugging her and she cried a little bit

"You're alright now, darling" Woody said while rubbing Grace's back

"Grace!" Jessie called as she climbed up the bed "Grace!"

"Jessie!" Grace said as Jessie took her from Woody and hugging her pretty tight

"I don't get it, we haven't seen her in years, how is she still a little kid?" Mr. Potato Head confused

"It's different in my time" Grace explains

"Can I have your stereo?" 12 year old Molly asked

"No" Andy said

When they heard that, they ran back to the toy chest and closed as soon as Molly and Andy came in

Then their mom came and telling Andy that he's not taking anything to college, goes to the attic or trash

"Mom, I'm not leaving till Friday" Andy said

"C'mon, it's garbage day" Andy's mom said "look it's simple. Skateboard, college. Little League trophy, probably attic. Apple core, trash. You do the rest"

Molly opened the toy chest and said "why do you still have these toys?"

"Molly, out of my room" Andy said

"3 more days and it's mine" Molly said as she leaves the room

"Molly, you're not off the hook either" Andy's mom said "you have more toys than you know what to do with, some of them could make other kids really happy"

"What kids?" Molly asked

"The children at the daycare, they're always asking for donations" Andy's mom said

"What's daycare?" Rex whispers and Woody shushed him

"You choose the toys you want to donate, I'll drop them off at Sunnyside" Andy's mom saod and she leaves Molly's room

Molly, puts some of her toys in there, then she grabs her Barbie doll, then she tosses Barbie into the "Sunnyside" box without caring

"Poor Barbie!" Jessie said

"I get the Corvette" Hamm said

"Hamm?" Grace said

"What?" Hamm asked

"Andy, c'mon you need to start making decisions" Andy's mom said

"Like what?" Andy asked

"Like, what are you gonna do with these toys?" she asked "should we donated to Sunnyside?"

"No" Andy said

"Maybe sell them online" she suggested

"Mom, no one's want those old toys" Andy said "they're junk"

"Fine, you have them till Friday" she said "anything that's not packed for college or in the attic is getting thrown out" and she leaves the room

"Whatever you say mom" Andy said, he opened the toy chest, grabs a black trash bag, puts Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, the aliens, Rex, Hamm, Slinky, Bullseye, Jessie and Grace. But when Andy picked up Woody and Buzz, he looked at them, then Andy puts Woody in the college box and Buzz to the bag and he closes the bag

"What's happening?" Rex panicked

"We're getting thrown out, you idiot" Mr. Potato Head said "that's what's happening"

Then Andy opens the attic, climbing up the ladder to the attic to put his toys away when Molly walks out of her room carrying a box and a small heavy ball falls out of the box

"You need a hand?" Andy asked

"I got it!" Molly said

"Here" he said as puts the ball back and picks up the box "so, you gonna miss me when I'm gone?"

"If I say no, do I still get your room?" Molly asked

"Nope" he said as they walk down the stairs

"Then, yes, I'll miss you" Molly said

"I can't breathe" Jessie gasped

"Oh, this can't be happening" Rex said

"Quiet! What's that sound?" Buzz said and the ladder from the attic went up itself, pushing the bag back and it closed itself

Then Andy's mom noticed the bag, she thinks it's trash so she took the bag and went downstairs

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