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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.



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IT WAS HALLOWEEN, 1974. There were only a few minutes until midnight.

The children had gone to sleep with their buckets of sweets, and their Godric's Hollow was quiet—peaceful.

But in the yard of a small cottage down the street of the centre of the village, a girl opened her eyes.

You have seven years.

The ground was cold, and she blinked several times as she gazed up at the sky, her vision spinning as she forced herself to sit up.

She was disoriented, and didn't quite know where she was—but her location became clear in a few moments of glancing around the familiar garden.

This was her old home.

The roses had grown everywhere; all over the wooden fence, which was falling over under the weight of the plants. Vines crawled across the walls of the home, ripping bricks from the building.

The grass was extremely long—resembling a forest of weeds and wildflowers.

She climbed to her feet and glanced down at what she was wearing: white flats and a blue sundress—the same clothes she last remembered wearing.

How did she even end up lying in the backyard?

You have seven years to change the future.

Shakily, she approached the door that she'd stayed on the inside of for all those years.

It was still painted in the same colour. Dark blue—though the paint had peeled and faded.

She wondered how long it had been since anybody had stepped foot in this house.

Wasn't it only yesterday?

Or was it a thousand years ago?

She put her door on the knob and her breath caught in her throat as she touched the cold metal.

And she twisted the door open.

You have seven years to change the future and save the Marauders.

Author's Note:

I just couldn't wait!

Updates will be sporadic and I will write when I have inspiration <3

Anyways, thanks for reading!


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