Chapter 3 brah!

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Chapter 3!!!! I can't believe people actually wanted me to continue! Anyways, here it is! BTW, did you know that afer you die, your hair still grows for a few months? After a while, I may need to get it cut again! Cheesy humor aside, on with the story!


Cleo's POV

When I woke up that morning, the first thing that I felt was someone's arm around me, someone that I didn't know. That majorly freaked me out, so I did the first thing that popped into my head, even if it wasn't entirely reasonable. I screamed at the top of my lungs, then pushed the guy off the bed the best that I could. To say that the dude was mad, would be an understatement. He was absolutely livid! Then recognition crossed my mind, and I laughed sooooo hard at his expression. His hard outer-self faltered for a split second, but I still saw it. By the time I was done laughing, I was clutching my stomach from laughing to much!

"Enough!" Cody commanded in his alpha voice.

No one uses that voice on me, so I retaliated. "And what are you going to do about it, mister?" I had to ask, being the challenging person I am.

"This!" He smirked, he actually smirked at me, and tried to pounce on me. If I hadn't moved at the very last second, I wouldn't be sprinting down the hallway trying to get away from him, all the while laughing like no tomorrow. He had obviously called some fighters, and I saw them looking for me, but when they saw my condition, they left me be. It was hilarious, thinking of Cody trying to hunt me down! I heard him coming down the closest hallway, so I ducked behind some curtains right before he started down the hallway. He stopped midway.

"Hmmmm, I wonder where my beauty of a mate is," he sang thoughtfully, pretending to ponder over that thought, "If I don't find her within the next 10 seconds, then I guess I will have to send in he tickle monster. And because of me doing that, we won't be able to get ice cream later.... What should i do, Shaun?" he finished. I could see him through the thin curtains, and it was obvious he could see me, because he started tapping his finger on his chin as if he was in thought! I snorted, but I tried to cover it up. It obviously didn't work, because he turned in my direction and said, "Is that my little mate I hear? I hope not. She will be punished severally for hiding from me....."

This time Shaun spoke up, "Alpha, in all due respect, I am pretty sure that Cleo went down to the kitchen. I saw her run down there giggling," he finished. I gave him a not-so-discreet thumbs-up. Though, because of this gesture, Cody saw me. He grabbed my arm, and my legs almost collapsed from the strength of the tingles.

"Back to my room now, my little mate...," he said, his voice all husky.

"Okay, I totally agree. Right after this!" my sudden frightening from this morning coming back as anger as I kneed him in his precious manhood. He instantly collapsed, groaning. I took that as my cue, because Shaun was staring at me in shock. I ran out of the house, somehow knowing the way, and shifted into my golden wolf. He isn't in my pack! I shouldn't be thinking like this! I growled, frustarated, as I continued to run. I then realized where I was, just as I crossed teritories. Oh, i'm happy to be home.


Sorry guys, my parents are yelling at me to hurry up, so this is really short :/. I'll upload later for sure, but maybe not until next week cuz I have a birthday party to plan for this weekend!

Cote!!!!! Love you all! :D :D :D :D :D :D

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