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Seungcheol, the school's president. A very well respected senior. Happy but stressed.

The boy brushed his hair back with his fingers as the cool breeze touches his face. With his eyes slowly blinking he kicked small little rocks making it stumbles along the way. His teacher's had informed him too many times to be taking care of his juniors especially those with free spirits just turning the school into everything they thought might look funny. And now he was told again, but this time, new freshmen. Its how the school has been managing new students or the irresponsible old ones. Senior picks a freshman they think they can get along well with and teach them their ways in school for a whole year. How he wished this year, only well behaved students will be joining.


"Let go of me!"

"That's all you've got? 4 dollars?"

"Useless. Lets go guys."

His foot took him, running towards the shoutings and here he ended up seeing a guy with honey brown hair sitting on the ground by the school's garden gates, sobbing. Even without him looking up from crying,  Seungcheol could've sworn he caught a glimpse of such a beautiful boy. And whats with all the mess around him? Obviously he was being bullied. Seungcheol's heart picked up speed as he took small steps towards the guy and as soon as he looked up and their eyes met, the beatings stopped for quite sometime.

Who is he? Ive never seen him around before? A freshman?

Seungcheol let himself drown in the pair of round beautiful depths, glistening from tears as he tried to find the count of his breathe. He was already itching to ask his name and maybe start up a conversation asking what has happened if the boy is willing to talk even though he might embarrass himself with stuttering and nervous laughs, he felt like he was pulled by a string into the other's aura. Something around him makes him feel all tingly.

Seungcheol cussed himself for not stopping the boy when he was leaving and he got even more annoyed when knowing that he might not get to see him again anytime soon. Funny how he felt like throwing a tantrum when he just met the boy.  This was all he needed to realize that he was captured in a fascinating curiosity and little heart beatings type of interest but on a boy he just happened to tell his name to.

Heavy rain. He walked all the way back to his apartment before his roommate will be fussing about how there's no one cooking him his early dinner. As soon as he set foot in the doorway, a boy slightly taller walked up to him, grabbing a towel and helped the him carry all his stuffs back inside.

Seokmin. His roommate for nearly 2 years. Very bright. The type to run around at 12 am using his blessing vocal to wake up others way too early. Seokmin takes singing classes and that is all he cares about. And to say at least, he was spoiled by his rich parents and never really knew what a hardship is until his parents disagreed with his dream and passion of standing on stage. As a boy who really knows what hes doing and also loves what hes doing, he moved out of home and earns money in a way he likes best, performing. He sings and dance in small concerts and parties with some of his friends who share the same dream, Jihoon and Minghao. Studying isn't a problem. He was born a genius. Never below 98 in every subjects.

"Cheol, go inside and take a hot shower. You might catch a cold!"
Seokmin decided to cook for both of them considering the older must have had a bad day since he didn't look all smiley as usual. The singer had no idea he was only sulking because he couldn't manage to get the worry of not seeing a certain boy out of his head.


His math book stayed open on his desk as he rubbed his eyes. Tomorrow is the day.
Freshmen welcoming ceremony.

He closed his eyes and the picture of the bullied boy popped up in his head again. He wanted to see him and he wished for it badly. Too many thoughts were climbing on to him. Seungcheol sighed heavily at the thought of being the representative of all seniors and start the welcoming. Seokmin is still practicing his singing and Seungcheol knows he won't be stopping until he's really sleepy. The boy has his earphones plugged and started singing the part all over again for the 10th time that night.

"I'll find you. So don't worry and take a rest. I'll find you and be there even if we never really met. I know you're trying and being hard on yourself, my mind is telling me so before we meet , let me be the one who's trying harder."

Seungcheol had to admit, his roommate's voice is golden and endearing. Very calm and nice to listen to. And if Seokmin was to sign with a company or maybe debuting on his own, there will be no surprises.

Tomorrow. Please go well and smooth. New freshman, being the representative and even speaking on the school's mic. Very nerve-wrecking as a school's president.



i proofed read but please do still expect mistakes because im dumb, thanks for reading byeeeeeee <3

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