Chapter 1 | Near 'Death' Experience

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You darted behind a rock, just outside Junkertown, as you knew that it had a +200 health pack behind it. You practically fell on top of it in desperation, only to find it still had about 15 seconds of cool down time yet to go. Peering around the corner, you fail to see any healers nearby. With your health at critical, only 3/250 health left, and still 10 seconds cool down to go, you hear movement overhead. In hopes it's Mercy, you look up only to be faced with an enemy Pharah. You black out. The angle her missile hit you, caused you to fall back onto to fully charged health pack. Ironic, right?
     Mercy saw this, and flew over to you, as well as D.Va, being  Mercy's covering fire to help you. D.Va tries shooting, and knocking, Pharah out of the sky, all the while Mercy is trying to pump the life back into you. D.Va successfully hit's one of Pharah rockets, forcing her to hurtle to the ground, with ease, and Mercy is about to resurrect you with only seconds to spare.
Mercy has been working her butt off recently, as for some strange reason, the respawn feature in the arenas hasn't been working properly. Instead of being sent back to spawn, or recent check-spawn, you're sent to a weird place of Limbo. This was discovered when Reaper didn't return to a fight a couple of days ago. Athena couldn't register him leaving the game, nor find a trace of him being in the arena still. But something tells me that he'll find his way back sooner or later.
He managed to contact Widowmaker and tell her why he hadn't returned, as Talon had equipped both of them with a communication device that can work from any coordinates, and she had notified Winston, in which he is now working with Athena to find the bug, and fix the problem. Since Athena couldn't find Reaper, the battle was called off, until they could find a safe problem around this; as who's to say that anyone else has the capability to leave this place and rejoin reality like Reaper can?
So due to this there are now at least two healers on a team during every match, and four in one game at one time, to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else; and Mercy is always on call to res anyone that had made it down to 0 health. Thus proving to have worked non-stop, which is beginning to take a toll on her.
The resurrection didn't work. You have roughly seven seconds to be resurrected by Mercy, before your sent back to spawn, but it didn't work. It never fails. Even if she starts with one second to spare. Mercy's  face twisted and turned into the most heartbroken expression imaginable. She wasn't going to let anyone slip into Limbo, especially you. Without second thought, she pushed her staff against your heart, not caring about your breast being in the way, but only your life is what she saw in this movement, and begun to eject her whole life force into you. Lucio came rushing over, and started a healing boost on Mercy, so she wouldn't keel over herself. It wasn't enough to revive you, but it was enough to keep you in reality.
She had only tried this action before, and the results were drastic. [there is a theory that Mercy tried to keep Reaper alive, and because of her, he is what he is today. It is not confirmed, nor are we given any insight to how she did it, other than making him cheat death by putting life into his almost dead body. For the sake of this, I am using that theory, and adapting it to this. Please do not hate, it's just a story]
Soldier: 76 sprinted over to see what all the commotion was about. Once he had arrived by your side, he dismissed both healers and the tank, to go back and help Genji. Soldier gently picked you up in his arms, bridal style, as its the safest way to carry someone without causing further injury, and brought you to the spawn next to the entrance of Junkertown. This would keep you safe. He gave you a kiss on the forehead, because of the caring, father-like figure he was, and said softly in his husky voice "stay safe young [y/n]". With that, he sprinted back to his rifle and then sprinted back to the fight.

Through this whole ordeal, you hearing was fading in and out. You could have sworn you heard Soldier: 76 say to the others "Junkrat cannot know about this... *blur* ... too important to him," before they rejoined Genji.


Waking up in a daze, you peer around a well-lit room, to discover tubes, or wires, of some sort attached to you. You feel a hand lightly touching your arm and upper back, assisting you, while you try to sit up. A weird mechanical sound alerted you, this was the sound of the bed manoeuvring to a sitting-up position. A gloved hand passes you some water, which you hesitantly take, still trying to gather you bearings, and it is guided to your mouth, in order for you to take a sip. You vision finally clears after a minute or so, to reveal the worn out Dr Ziegler [Mercy] , a joyous Jack Morrison [Soldier: 76],  and a sorry Fareeha Amari [Pharah]. Mercy smiles a very proud smile, Pharah apologises a thousand times, it seems, in about five seconds, you forgive her, as she couldn't see how much health you had left, and Soldier, well, we just assume he's happy under his mask. :D
     You notice a cloud of black smoke lurking behind Angela [Mercy], which then taps her on the shoulder. It's none other than Reaper in wraith form! Mercy jumps in excitement and hugs him tightly [I SHIP IT SO HARD!] making her day even better than it already was. She really is a guardian angel; Two miracles in one day!


After graciously eating dinner in the cafeteria with your two best friends, Mako [Roadhog] and Jamison [Junkrat], you exchange small talk about the battles that took place during the day, but didn't mention what really happened to you. You just played it off cool and say how you had 3 health and, instead of almost dying, you avoided her missile and picked up the health instead. You didn't want to worry them about you almost being thrown into Limbo. Roadhog ends up being a quivering mess with worry. It may not seem like it when he's happy and jolly, but deep down he is a very caring p... person? pigman? uhh.... friend. We'll go with friend. Then Junkrat.. he just blows people up. He already wasn't Pharah's number one fan, so you didn't want to make anything worse between them.
     You decided to head up to your room, which conveniently, opposite Mako's room, and two doors away from Jamie's; so if you wanted to resume conversation, you easily could. You said your goodbyes and venture up to you room. You weren't tired, or bored, you just couldn't stop replaying what happened earlier today, and you just wanted to be alone with your thoughts. More importantly, what Jack meant by "don't tell Junkrat". Throwing yourself on your bed, your thoughts begin to wander. You could understand somewhat why he'd say that, with him not liking Pharah, but everyone already knew he didn't like her much. So why would they need reminding? Is there something Jamie isn't telling me? you thought. You sigh. Deeming this not important, since you didn't hear the whole thing, you take a nice relaxing bath, before returning to your bed, and soundly falling asleep after the eventful day you had. Falling asleep with one thought. Does he like me?


Damn that was long. But I enjoyed writing it. Hope you enjoyed reading it! Sorry it was a bit slow getting into it, but hey. Gotta build tension.
There will be more obvious Junkrat x Reader shizzle in chapter 2, promise

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