One Chance

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Juvia P.O.V

          "Bye Levy, bye Lisanna" I said as the two left. It was now just Lucy and I. We sat at the bar as Mirajane kindly gave us some smoothies.

          "So Juvia, what made you want to come to Fairy Tail?" The white haired barmaid asked.

          "Uh... Its a long story." I explained shortly. She nodded her head as a sign that she understood. Lucy and I drank the rest of our smoothies.

          "Hey Lucy" Someone greeted from behind. Lucy and I both turned in our barstools to see who it was.

          "Hey Gray" Lucy greeted him back. "Juvia have you met Gray?" She asked as I was too afraid to look at the man standing before me.

          "Yeah, we've met" Gray answered before me. "So uh, Juvia can I talk with you. I just want to be your friend thats it. I won't hurt you" He said to me. I looked to Lucy for help.

          She leaned into my ear and whispered, "Go ahead. I'll watch from over here. If he tries to pull anything, I'll get him for you" She smiled and I followed Gray to a table. My heart is beating really fast. I fear he's going to do the same thing step father did and what those men tried.

          "So... Juvia. How come you always think I'm going to hurt you?" He asked.

          "Long story that Juvia doesn't want to talk about" I explained. Great. There goes my third person talking again.

          "And you speak in third person?" He questioned me.

          "Occasionally. It only happens when Juvia is nervous or scared" I answered quietly.

          "Why are you nervous? Or scared?" He asked.

          "Because, Juvia doesn't know if she can trust you yet. You would understand if you knew Juvia's story" I answered, again quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

          "Oh come on. You can trust me. Atleast give me one chance." He begged.

          "Fine. Juvia will give you one chance and one chance only. You can take me back to my dorm in Fairy Hills. If you don't try pulling anything or hurting me, then maybe Juvia will trust you." I made a deal with him. He nodded and stood so he could walk me home.

Gray P.O.V

          Finally. I can use this one chance to get her to like me or atleast trust me. If I can get her to trust me, then we can be friends and I can figure out what the deal is with her.

          I started walking Juvia out of Fairy Tail. She slowly walked beside me. "If Juvia can trust you, then maybe sometime she can tell you her story." She said as we walked.

          "Really?" I questioned.

          "But that's only if Juvia knows for sure that she can trust Gray"

          We soon got to Fairy Hills. I walked her all the way to her dorm. Even though I wasn't supposed to be in here. As we got to Juvia's dorm, there was a note in an envelope on her door.

          Juvia picked it up and began reading.

Juvia P.O.V

          Did you really think you could get away Juvia? Wrong. You can't. You have a week before I come to get you. I'll probably even have to punish you Juvia. You shouldn't have done what you did. You made your mother cry and you left me lonely. Be prepared Juvia. Im coming for you.

          I covered my mouth with my hand as tears began welling in my eye. I stared at the letter with pure horror.

          Gray took the note and began reading it. "How did he find me?" I mumbled as tears escaped my eyes and rushed down my face like a waterfall.

          "Who's he? What's going on Juvia?" Gray asked. I could tell there was some concern and anger in his voice.

          "M-My step father." I shuddered. Gray grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from my dorm. "Where are we going?"

           "You're going to stay at my place. Its not safe to be by yourself." He said as he quickly walked, still pulling me by my wrist.


Heyy. Oh No! Poor Juvia. She never gets a break. First she had to deal with her stepfather, then she partially got mugged, and now, her stepfather is coming back for her. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading my story so far. If you like this story so far just Vote, Comment, Follow or Message Me. I Loovvee You! Byyee! 


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