Chapter 1: That look never ends well...

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Raphael and Magnus talk after leaving the station

Chapter Text


Raphael waits, silently, till they get in the car and out of the parking lot, till they're just a few minutes from home, then

"Psychic, Magnus, really?"

"I know! I know, I wasn't planning it or anything, it just sort of happened!"

"How does defrauding the police and impersonating a psychic just happen? That does not just happen!

That has never, in the history of the human race, JUST happened!"

Raphael shook his head, how does Magnus get into these things?

"Well, it was that or I was a suspect in the museum heist, so, you know, 'psychic' seemed like the way to go." Magnus said with a shrug, like it was nothing

"They thought you were an accomplice in the robbery?"

"Yeah, well, mainly Alec's partner did"

"The guy you dressed down and subsequently outed in front of the station's chief, you mean?"

"Yeah, him, he wa-

Wait, how did you know that?" Magnus asked, suspiciously

"Oh, detective Lewis told me"

"DETECTIVE LEWIS?!" Magnus practically screeched

Raphael cringed, he really wished there was a human equivalent of a volume button, especially with Magnus

"Yeah? Lightwoods partner? When you sent me to help him get the files, he told me." Raphael said, raising an eyebrow and glancing at Magnus

Oh, crap, Magnus has That Look; the overly interested, meddling, probably already scheming, one that he gets when he thinks there is something he has to do for Raphaels own good.

This never ends well for Raphael

Magnus continues,

So, he just, told you?"

"Yeah? He told me pretty much the entire day, in like, one breath"

Raphael smiles a bit

"He talks a lot" He adds

Magnus' eyes widen, and he points accusingly at Raphael

"Wait, what's going on with your face?"


"You're smiling!"

"So? I smile."

"Yes, you do; when you think of something particularly snarky to say, when you outsmart an especially obnoxious doctor on your route, when you find an absolutely perfect suit, and when you utterly destroy a rival in, well, anything; also, occasionally, when you're trying to intimidate someone. You don't smile, just to smile."

Okay, he needed to stop this, like, right now before it got even worse

"I-I'm just happy that things turned out all right for you, I was worried" He ventured

It wasn't a lie; he was worried when he found out that Magnus was at the police station all day, and he was relieved that it worked out for Magnus, It really was all truth; just omitting a few things. Raphael had been best friends with Magnus for nearly 20 years; he knew this was the only way you could get anything past the guy. Plan B was usually just to try to distract him with something shiny and hope he forgot what you'd been talking about.

"Uh, huh" Magnus commented,

The Look was still there

"So, this will actually be really great for you, right? You could actually be a detective? I know how much you regretted not being able to; this will give you a chance to actually do it, right? And that detective Lightwood seemed like a pretty decent guy, at least from what I saw"

Magnus beamed, nodding

"I know! It just sort of all fell into place, I really can't believe that I am getting this chance! And I get to work with Alec! He is just so...."

Oh, thank god, plan B worked: Apparently this Detective Lightwood works even better than something shiny with Magnus..

Hmm.. Good to know

Raphael filed that information away for later and let Magnus' chatter fade into the background


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