Honour and Hatred

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Gabriel-san and I soon arrived at the shrine to see Shidō in her skin tight uniform, waiting for us on the steps... So the airhead was the supposed guide for my current companion, and so she waited for her at the-

[PLEASE FORGIVE ME, GABRIEL-SAMA!!!] Shidō screamed, prostrating herself with her head bowed in what I suspected to be apology fast enough that I didn't noticed that she moved to that position and did that in front of Gabriel-san [I'M SO SORYY FOR LEAVING YOU ALL ALONE ON YOUR OWN!!!]

...Okay, that was a thing.

"It's fine, Irina." Gabriel-san forgave her air headed guide with an innocent smile on her face, releasing my hand from her grip... I didn't realised that I was still holding her hand until she let go of mine "Kōjiro-san guided me here and avoided me getting run over when I was distracted."

Shidō slowly got up and looked towards me, before doing a 90 degree angle bow "Thank you for guiding Gabriel-sama here, Raiga-kun!"

"No prob." I shrugged, not finding why she's making a big deal out of the simple fact that I helped Gabriel-san "Anyways, let's go up to the shrine now."

The ladies nodded in agreement and we started coming up the stairs. And I was surprised by the sight that was awaiting us inside the chamber of the shrine through blinking a few times.

There were 3 people casually sitting around (traditional style), sipping tea with oddly bored or weary expressions on their faces. One wore miko-style robes while the other wore robes that looked somewhat similar to Gabriel-san and the last person was wearing a red sun dress.


Character Name: Michael

Alignment: Angels, the 6th Heaven and the Four Great Seraphs

LvL: 409

Profession: Angel and Seraph

Title: Michael the Archangel

Fame: Michael the Archangel

HP: ?/? Regen: ?

MP: ?/? Regen: ?

...So this guy is the current leader of heaven, the man that took over control after his father's death. While he doesn't have so many titles that speaks about his strength, his info pretty much gives me the message to not underestimate him in a fight.

"Once again, I thank you for indulging me for so long. I honestly hadn't expected to take up so much time." The blondie man apologised with unbelievable elegance, radiating a soft glow but power holy energy.

"It's no trouble." Himejima-san assured him, giving the [Archangel] a polite smile "I'm just sorry that our friend is taking so long to get here as well."

"I wish that he would come here now already." Hyōdō whined slightly to herself, but everyone (with the expectation of Shidō) pretty much heard her thanks to enhanced hearing.

"Sorry for being so late, but I kinda got sidetracked." I pointed out the reasons why by jamming a thumb over my shoulder, gesturing to Gabriel-san.

When Himejima-san, Hyōdō and Michael-san turned towards us, they both quickly stood, taking more respectful postures despite clearly having been casual moments before. I suppose they had both gotten bored while waiting for us. However long they had been waiting, it was long enough for Himejima-san to start and finish brewing tea.

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