My Bella<3

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Chapter 1

*Mia's POV*

"No, you can't take her from me!" I screeched.

"M'am please step away from the girl." an officer calmly said.

"She's my daughter you can't take her from me!" I screamed back. They are not taking her, not my Bella.

'Not my Bella.' I repeated in my head.

"Mommy what's happenening?" Bella tugged my pant-leg. I pushed her gently behind me.

'Not my Bella.'

"Nothing sweetie." I tried to calm myself. The officer snuck past me and grabbed Bella.

"Mommy!" her tiny voice cried out as the officer started to take Bella out the apartment.

'Not my Bella.'

"No!" I lurched after her. Another officer restricted me from any movement.

"Mommy help!" Bella squirmed.

"I'll come for you, don't worry. I love you Bella." I yelled as the officer carrying Bella placed her in a small white car. The car drove away with my Bella.

'My Bella.' the words echoed in my mind.



"Bye Jack, do good in school!" I squished his cheeks like my great Aunt Nelly would do everytime I would go to visit.

"Bye sweetheart." Jack softly kissed me on the lips. "Bye Bella." he kissed Bella's cheek. She was too focused on her picture that she was drawing to say goodbye. Her picture looked like a mix of a dog and a kangaroo. Which of course made me smile like an idiot.

"Say goodbye to daddy." I ordered.

"Bye daddy!" Bella smiled, not taking her eyes off the picture. As soon as Jack had left for school, Bella hopped off the wooden chair and stood right next to me.

"Do you need help washing the dishes mommy?" she jumped up and down, attempting to look into the sink filled with bubbles. I was impressed of how well she had improved with forming sentances and her nice manners, especially since she is only 2 years old.

"No thank you dear. You can keep coloring and once I'm finished I'll make us a yummy breakfast." I smiled down at her. She nodded her head vigorously and hopped back into the chair.


"Alright Bell, what would you like to eat?" I asked, putting the final dish away.

"Pancakes!" she giggled uncontrollably.

"Pancakes!! You had pancakes the last two days!" I tickled her stomach, which forced her to giggle harder.

"Mommy, stop it, that tickles." she continued to giggle. I stopped tickling her but she was still sitting there laughing with her most adorable smile. I loved Bella more than anything, she was my entire life. My only reason to live.

My Bella<3


(A/N) hey y'all did you like the first chapter? I know it was REALLY short, but it gets better, pinky promise!! xx 

Anyways!! Tell your friends lol, votes&comments are much appreciated!!



PS. sorry for any spelling mistakes!!

My Bella&lt;3 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now