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Chapter 2

*Mia's POV*

"Come on Bella, it's time to leave." I said as I held out my hand for her.

"Where?" she asked curiously as she placed her tiny hand into the palm of mine.

"I have to work today Bell. Your going to grandmas." I explained.

"Oh." she now understood. I smiled at her sweetly.


"Your late." my co-worker stated.

"Sorry Jennalise. I couldn't get Bella's car seat to cooperate." I apologized while pulling my work shirt over my head.

"Where is Bella? She normally comes to work with you." Jennalise said.

"I dropped her off at my moms, she's too much of a handful." I sighed.

"Mia, your 16, are you sure you can take care of Bella?" Jennalise sounded worried.

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of a 2 year old." I sighed while starting to make an iced coffee.

The whole day was like this. Jennalise and I bickering about what's best for my daughter. And total jerks demanding their coffee in under 30 seconds. It wasn't too busy here so I was able to call my mom to check up on Bella.

"Hey mom." I said the moment she picked up the phone.

"Hello honey. I assume your calling to check up on Bella." she totally read my mind.

"You know me too well." I let out a small laugh.

"She's fine. Bella's quite the artist." my mom explained.

"She loves to color doesn't she." I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah." she paused. "So how are you holding down jobs?"

"Good, I've been working extra shifts. But don't worry mom, we're still able to support Bella and ourselves." I explained.

"Great sweetie-" I stopped her mid-sentence as I saw a customer walk up to the counter.

"Got to go mom, love you, send Bella my love." I finished then shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"Hey, I'll have the caramel frappè." a deep masculine voice said.

"Caramel frappè coming your way." I smiled at the handsome man. Within minutes, I quickly created the drink and plopped a straw in the frappè.

"Your money." he smiled cutely, handing me the money.

"Your frappè." I returned the smile as I handed him his drink and received the money from him. "And $3.67 is your change." I held out my hand with the change. The man looked over at the tip jar.

"Keep it." he offered.

"Thanks." I glanced over at him. I took a closer look at the detail in his face. He slightly looked like Declan from Degrassi. As soon as he walked away Jennalise turned over to me.

"Now don't get all googly-eyed girl." she chuckled.

"What? I'm not!" I said in denial.

"Sureee Mia." she said sarcastically. "I saw the way you were looking at him."

"I wasn't looking at him like that." I argued.


Over the next few days, the same man came and ordered the same drink everyday.

"The usual Will?" I asked one day. I had seen him enough to learn his name.

"The usual Mia." he agreed. Jennalise was convinced that I was head-over-heels for Will, since we were on a first-name bases. Although I had remind her numerous times that Jack was my boyfriend and that I love him, especially with all this support for Bella and I. We were extremely thankful for Jack.

"3.67 is your change." I smiled at Will.

"Do I have to keep reminding you that you can keep the change?" Will chuckled.

"Right." I felt a burning sensation rising to my cheeks. Will sat down at one of the tables and pulled open the newspaper, as he does everyday.

"Go ask him to dinner." Jennalise interrupted my thoughts of Will.

"Are you crazy?" I shouted. I noticed some people staring at me, including Will.

"Come on, it's obvious your attracted to him." Jennalise rolled her eyes.

"Your crazy." I concluded, more quietly this time.

"Just ask him to dinner." she crossed her arms.

"Why should I?" I asked, imitating her crossed arm position.

"Because he's cute." she mocked me.

"Whatever." I scoffed. I kept my eye on Will, taking small glances when I could.

Sure, he was cute. But honestly, I don't like him. I just met him!

"Mia and Will sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Jennalise started to sing softly.

"What are you, nine years old?" I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Seems like you are!" she stuck her tongue out back at me. I gave her a playful push and we both slightly laughed. Jennalise continued mocking me about Will and I kept giving her death glares.

"Ask him out." Jennalise said while cleaning the counter.

"No! Would you shut up, he might hear you!" I glared at her. I turned around quickly and saw Will, standing right at the counter.

"Hey." Will chuckled softly.

"Hi, um, you didn't hear anything, did you?" I said, my lip twitched into a smile.

"No." he smiled back at me.

"Good." I let out a long breath.

"Mia, I was wondering, maybe you'd like to," he paused.

"Yeah?" I stretched the letters out.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to dinner tonight." he smiled intensely. I paused a moment and looked over at Jennalise, who gave me this huge smile as if to tell me to say 'yes'.

"That would be, fantastic." I looked back at Will and smiled widely. 

"Great I'll meet you here, say, 'round 8?" Will suggested.

"Perfect." I smiled. I can't stop smiling.


"Hey Bella, that picture is so pretty." I said while kissing Bella on the cheek.

"It's the bestest picture ever!" Bella exclaimed.

"Best Bell, not bestest." I corrected her.

"It's me and you." she said while pointing to the little figures on the picture.

"Maybe we should put it on the fridge." I smiled. Her little brown eyes lit up in excitement. Bella and I walked over to the fridge, I helped her pick a magnet to hold up the picture on the fridge.

"Perfect." I said as I picked her up and spun her around. She giggled uncontrollably. I love her little laugh. I don't know how I'd live without her. I rested Bella in my arms and held her close to my chest.

"I love you mommy." she said in a tiny voice once she'd stop giggling.

"I love you too Bella, I'll always love you." I whispered in her ear.

****************************************(A/N) hey! I'm taking this story OFF hold ;D hope you liked it! sorry if you didn't! btw I didn't edit it that much so...........VOTE&COMMENT!!!!! bye!!

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