5. Assesing Situation

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After I explained to my beloved sister how things turned out how they are now, I walk towards 'Levis room', aka the loft, to check on him. It took a while to round everything up for Kathy but she's on board with keeping him here and figuring out how to get him back to where Levi came from. After I was done explaining, she went to take a shower in the main bathroom.

It's already hard to believe that a supposed-to-be-fictional-character got in our house by accident. I still had some doubts about him, obviously. But his reaction after seeing that paused frame in Aot with him got me thinking.
He defintly looks, acts, and talks like Levi. So, what's he thinking right now? He probably didn't mind listening to a crazy girl talking about electricity and other stuff he never heard of or even imagined, including him being 'not real'. But seeing that's true with your own eyes is something different then being told about it.
And now seriously, how would you react if you would find out that a lot of people might know things about you, that you have never ever spoken about with another soul.

I reached the ladder and looked up. The trap door was left open but I couldn't hear anything at all. Taking a deep breath in, I climb up.
"Levi?" I put my head out of the opening. He's laying on the bed in the fresh cloths (minus the socks), starring blankly at the wall.
No response.
"Are you alright?" I ask concerned.


This is unnerving. Maybe I should leave him alone.

Just as I'm about to climb back down, he speaks up. Not moving whatsoever.
"Why are you here, attempting to sympathize with me?"
"Well, I just-"
"Trying to comfort me is pointless. Nothing you could say can change anything, don't bother wasting my time."
"Is staring at this blank white wall that important?"

Silence. Nothing new.

At this point, I decide to go up the rest of the ladder and take the chair at the desk infront of the window and turn the back of it towards him, sitting down while crossing my arms over the backrest.

He heaves a sigh "What do you want?"
"Nothing, honestly. I just thought you might have some questions about... That."
His sight shift from the wall to me, thinking for a moment.
"...How much of my life is in this?"
"Hmm..." I knit my eyebrows "Quiet a lot I would say. There's a whole background show about you as far as I know. Kathy is better informed than me about that stuff."
Levi takes his gaze back to the wall.
"So my whole life is just some fiction full on display for everyone here."
"Well, Attack on Titan is fairly popular among teenagers and young adults. So I'd say that you are indeed pretty well known from that show amongst them" I say calmly. "Although, I doubt that anyone knows everything about you. It's still just a show that can't cover 100% of you."
"Any percentage is too high."
"I guess... But you probably won't get recognized on the streets here, especially when you don't wear your uniform."
He clicks his tongue "Why would I even borther going outside in this messed up world?"
I roll my eyes at that. "Hmm, I don't know, getting cloths maybe? You don't know how long you're going to stay here until we figure a way out to get you back. I don't mind if you wear pink glitter stuff but you didn't even want the socks!"
"Tch, fine."
I sigh. He's really not much for talking.
"We'll leave in ten minutes to grab something for a late lunch and then go get some clothing for you, alright?"
He's clearly fed up about his life being public. I would be too in his place. Falling through a wardrobe into a world he knows nothing about, some weirdos tossing around with words he's never heard, seeing himself as a 2D character of screen and realising that many people know about his background. On top of that, alot of things in this house alone must seem pretty out of his world, alien even.
The magic picture box for example.
"This world is really not that bad. You're still alive and well and the best part, absolutely zero titans!"
"...What did I say earlier, brat?"
"'Trying to comfort me is pointless. Nothing you could say can change anything, don't bother wasting my time'?"
"Ah, at least you have a good memory."
I am starting to get slighty sick of his attitude.
"You know, it doesn't hurt to be nice to someone trying to help you. Maybe you should try that."
"None of your business."
"It is since you happened to literally drop in at my house!"
"I didn't choose that."
Feeling defeated I get up from the chair and put it back where it belongs.
"Whatever. Continue on sulking then. Just come to the living room when we plan to leave."

No response, it's not like I expected one.

I inhale holding my breath for a while and make my way out of the attic. Before completely having left, I sneak a last peak over at Levi who hasn't moved at all.
"...Thank you." Says a faint voice that seems to come from that guy on the bed.
"Huh?" Did I hear right?
"I said thank you, brat"
"You're welcome, Mr. Optimist" I reply and leave the room for good.

What a character.

"This could have gone worse" I sigh and make my way back to the living room deep in thought.
"You talked to Levi?" I jump when I hear that.
"Oh Kathy, you're done showering."
She's sitting on the couch with the TV turned off, she must have heard me coming.
"Uh-huh, even blow-dried my hair already!" She grins widely at me and I roll my eyes. She usually takes forever in the bathroom, did I talk that long with him?
"Don't give me that look, I am hungry and rushed!"
"Typical" I chuckle at her huffy demeanor and sit down next to her on the couch.
"Anyways, we're going out for lunch in about ten minutes and afterwards we'll get some cloths for Levi, okay?"
"Gotcha. Although a part of me wants to see him wear that unicorn t-shirt."
"Hahaha, you're mean."
"He's staying here rent free so I can be as mean as I want!"
"He's a guest and you have to be nice, and, more importantly, don't do anything weird because he happens to be your favorite anime character!"
"That's cruel..." Kathy muffles and looks down at her phone scrolling through some pictures.
"Listen, I know you're hyped that he's real but try to see this situation from his perspective. He's still a person, not just some fancy badass Anime character."
"I know that!" Kathy bursts out. "It will just take some time getting used to this. I also think it might be better to postpone your culture lessons."
"You mean AoT?"
"Duh. Doesn't quite seem right to watch that when the actual Levi is here. I mean, who knows what kind of relationship I might develop with him... He looks even hotter in real" Kathy sighs with a dreamy look on her face.
"Yeah, I wonder how long it takes until he kicks your backside because you're drooling all over him." I chuckle and Kathy clears her throat glaring at me.
"Don't make fun of me!"
"Me? I didn't say anything~"
"Shut it!" she squeales, then grabbing a pillow to hit me with.
"Noooo, have mercy!" I laugh and put my arms up infront of my face to block these vicious attacks.
"Mercy? There's no mercy in my vocabulary!"
We mess around a bit until it was time to fill our breakfast-skipping rumbling tummies.

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