chapter 3

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Let's pretend that this is Dylan and not Cole... I didn't find a good photo nor appropriate either 😅😅 so yeah on onward with the chapter


18 hours earlier


JOCELYN'S pov still

After running for almost ten minutes I finally arrived at the hospital. Entering the E.R. I put my hand on my knees to catch my breath. Hey, I'm fast at street racing, not running...

Once I finally started to catch my breath I walked towards the desk and asked where is A.J. She started to type on the computer and smiled and said his in room 13. I nodded a thank you and walked towards his room. I looked from left to right. Room 09... room 10... I read in my head as I continued walking. Room 11... room 12... room... 13... A.J.'s room. I felt my eyes water as I knocked on the door. I waited a couple of seconds and heard nothing in reply. I took this as in an opportunity and walked in. I pushed on the doorknob and walked in. I can faintly hear the heart monitor beeping.

For some reason I felt, happy. Happy to hear a heartbeat going. I faintly smiled and grabbed the curtain away to see him. My smile was wiped away and was replaced with my hands over my face.

"A.J.! PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!" I yelled while I covered my eyes. I heard him yelp in response. My poor brain will be forever fried of a picture of his super white butt! I felt a blush creeping on my face. "You almost gave me a heart attack Joc!" Gasping I glared at him only to put my hands back on my face. "You?! My poor virgin eyes! I can never see again! I think I might need holy water!" I heard him laugh. 'Why is he laughing?' After his sexy- what? Anyway, after his laughter died down I heard him scoff. But his response made me blush even more. "Please don't pretend you didn't enjoy the amazing show."

I glared at him through my hands with a tomato red blush running across my checks. "You suck!" I said while I glanced at him. His back was towards me. His muscular back- *clears throat* I looked away quickly and looked around the room. The room was pure white. From the curtains to the walls. The only color in this room was our hair and clothes. I sighed quietly while glancing at the mirror. There stood the reflection and of A.J. and I. I'm guessing he felt my gaze because he turned his head towards me. He gave me a sad smile and limp toward me. I looked at him fully to see a couple of scrapes, a few bruises here and there. But most of all a cast on his left foot. I'm happy it wasn't too fatal. I don't know what I'll do if I were to lose A.J. Blushing from my thoughts I didn't realize A.J. was hugging me. Surprise at first but I hugged him back in instinct. I held him tighter as if he'll be gone. I spoke in a weak voice, barely above a whisper, "I'm so happy you're okay A.J. I don't know what I'll do if I were to lose you..." Towards the end, I felt my eyes water. I closed them so he won't see it. He pulled away to look at me but I didn't open my eyes. He sighed and then spoke in a calm voice. "Please Jocelyn, open your beautiful eyes." I shook my head no. I heard him chuckle. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I shook my head no once again. "Alright open your eyes or else..." I heard the humor in his voice but I still didn't open my eyes. Curiosity kicked in to see what would happen. "Alright Joc you left me with no other choice..." Confused at what he meant when I felt soft lips on mine. Shocked at this my eyes opened up faster than the world's fastest car ever. I pulled away slowly but once I did I subconsciously smiled then lent in to kiss him once again... but of course my phone goes off. I sighed but answered reluctantly. "Hello?" I asked kinda irritated. "JOCELYN STONE! WHERE THE LIVING CRAP ARE YOU?" And that ladies and gentlemen are my twin sister... I sighed to calm myself.

"Jacqueline I'm at the hospital." It was silent for a moment. Then I heard a loud screech from the other end of the line. I pushed my phone away from my ear. 'My poor ear...' I put my index finger in my left ear and wiggled it in my ear to hear again. I have my phone arm's length and I can still hear her yelling. I feel like if I put her in speaker the whole world will hear her. Let's be honest here... no one wants to hear her yelling, they could lose their hearing. I think that's how grandpa Joe lost his hearing after one of Jacqueline's little tantrums when we were kids.

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